"New Family"

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Skye: Just a few more days left!

(Father) Steve: For what?

Skye: Come on dad, I remind you all the time!

Steve: Err... Oh wait I know!

Steve: It's going to be Pancake day!

Skye: No dad! Try again

Steve: Err...

Skye: My Birthday!!! How could you have forgotten?

Steve: I was just teasing kiddo,'' He ruffled Skye's hair

Skye: You tease me way to much...

Steve: Dad's are known for their teasing!

They walked up the street

Steve: So, did you make any friends at school?

Skye: Yeah tons...

Steve: You sure? Your facial expression says otherwise

Skye: Yeah, I'm sure

Steve: Soo did you meet anyone you like?

Skye: What do you mean?

Steve: ''Someone you like, like,'' He snickered

Skye: Eww I'll never fall in love

Steve: Never?

Skye: Never ever!

Steve: Haha sure...

Steve: But...one day when you do fall in love...And get married...I'll be at your Wedding, your Graduation and all those other events..." He muttered quietly to himself

They walked... until the conversation was silent

Skye: Soo um... how did you meet mum like before she died..." She randomly asked

Steve: Oh um... We met at a hoedown in Texas and there was a instant spark between us...

Skye: Texas?

Steve: Yeah, It's where the cowboys live!

Skye: And cowgirls, right?

Steve: Yeah cowboys AND cowgirls

Skye: Did you live in Texas?

Steve: Nope nor your mother we were both just tourists

Skye: I want to visit Texas...It's sounds exciting!

Steve: One day I'll take you Skye.

Skye smiled but her father gasped

Skye: What happened dad?

Steve: Skye...we're heading home

Steve gave a quick look to a lady who was accompanied by a young tween. Steve grabbed Skye's hand and ran back home

But, the lady spotted them and yelled. She took her tween son's hand and ran after the Father and Daughter

Steve and Skye came home, The father opened the door in panic

Steve: Skye, I want you to stay inside, while I talk to a good friend outside...It won't take long.

Before Skye could say anything, her Father put her inside the house and locked the door

He stood there and the lady came up to him and started screaming, the young tween gasped and cried

Steve: Hello...Jess, hello...Rocky

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2022 ⏰

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