The awakenings

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Reconnection to their star is essential for the Starseeds to know their origin. Living the simple Earth’s life wouldn’t connect them to the stars beyond and they need to do more. It is also necessary for them to complete their life’s mission.

A successful mission provides a sense of satisfaction to them, and that’s the common goal of all Starseeds. They learn a lot in this physical realm and even go through so many lives on Earth until their mission is accomplished.

Starseeds are born with no clue of the past lives and origin. But, all the Starseeds have the complete information present on their genes. When these genes are triggered and activated, Starseed awakens to know their original life goal and why they are incarnated on Earth.

Starseed Activation

The set of genes, which encodes the origin and mission information, could be activated in a particular part of life on its own; or self-healing techniques and knowingness of inner spiritual power could trigger it.  When it’s activated on its own, the knowledge comes quite unexpectedly with lots of drama.

On the other hand, the awakening process becomes gentle and gradual when the soul selects a spiritual path to know where it belongs.

No matter how the awakening process takes place, the end result is always a memory restoration. But, how much memory would restore during a single awakening phase is dependent on the soul’s level of conscious awareness.

It could also depend on the life mission of the soul. During this process, the soul knows its mission and the tools needed to accomplish the goal. When they truly become conscious, they also connect to their higher self that further makes their mission easy by relying on their inner knowledge and intuition.

When the soul is fully awakened, the fear of the world is removed. They become immune to them and can do what they are meant to be without any hesitation. When they become aware of themselves, they know their mission and they strive hard to complete it.

Lots of effort is required, but Starseeds are ancient souls and highly evolved, they know what to do and how to do it only when they fully understand who they are.

Starseed physical symptoms:

Other than normal characteristics and traits, Starseeds are different from normal human beings physically as well. Starseeds physical symptoms could instantly help you to know if you are one. It is not necessary that all the traits are present in the person, but most will be.

Sensitivity towards extreme temperatures:

Starseed are either highly sensitive to hot or cold. The ones, who like warmer weather, find it hard in the cold. On the other hand, cold tolerating Starseed are not comfortable in the hot weather. Their sensitivities are present by birth and will continue until the end.

Sensitivity towards Pain:

Here again, they are the extremists; either they can tolerate intense pain, or they can’t even bear a pinprick. Once they become sensitive, it will remain with them forever.

Strong Immunity:

The day-to-day viruses that harm human bodies could occasionally make them sick. They usually have strong immune systems that keep them safe. Although, there’s very little chance of them countering any disease; but when they do, they recover fast. It is because of their origin and evolved souls.

Sturdy Body:

Which body type they have doesn’t matter. They are always strong from inside. The healing power of their bodies is also very fast. It heals injuries and strains in no time. It is not necessary that they always look strong, as they have a great inner strength that helps them. Their body can withstand epidemics to harsh weather.

Unknown Bruises on Body:

Many Starseeds get bruised quite easily. They are unable to recall where they got them. These marks are usually prominent enough to be noticed by others as well.

Strange Birthmarks:

Starseeds are usually born with strange birthmarks. They also have distinctive moles on the body. The appearance of their birthmark has a special design or shape. They might seem unfamiliar and out of this world.

Nature Lover:

Animals and plants make them feel more comfortable than their fellow human beings. They like to spend time with nature. Sometimes, they become attracted to a particular kind of tree; in most cases, the willow tree becomes the favorite. Starseeds are not fond of artificial lights as well and find peace and coziness in the sunlight only. Animals also seem attracted to them; they feel comfort and calmness.

Above-average hearing

Their hearing power is better than the average person. As they can sense more, loud sounds can disturb them easily. Now and then, they can hear high-pitched sounds in one or both ears. When the soul is ascending, it becomes a common occurrence. These sounds are present with tingling sensations and increased head pressure. However, these conditions don’t last long and they go away within a few days or weeks.

Extreme Sensitivity Towards Alcohol and Medicine

Starseeds have the tendency to be highly sensitive towards drugs, alcohol, and different types of medicine. Some cannot bear it, while others have a high tolerance.

As there’s an enhanced chance of going towards substance abuse, starseeds should avoid the use of these things in the first place because they only keep them away from reality and knowing their true life purpose.

Being Night Owls:

Starseeds feel good and find peace at night; they are night owls and stay up at night more than others. When Starseeds sleep early at night, something wakes them up in the middle of the night for no reason, especially around 3 am.

Their sleeping patterns are not like other humans. They can go about their day with less sleep than the average person. However, there are times when they need more sleep because of extreme exhaustion; it is also necessary for their spiritual growth.

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