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Types of Starseeds:

Depending on the star of their origin, Starseeds are different from each other. But their main aim is to help Mother Earth and her inhabitants. Types of Starseeds are as follow:

Sirian starseed:

Sirius is the multi-star system having more than one sun. It is the brightest star that can be seen with the naked eye. It is 8.7 light-years away and known as the dog star of the constellation Canis Major.

Sirius plays an important part in humanity’s future. Souls which are originated in Sirius are known as Sirian Starseeds. They are originally our ancestors with their old cultures and dwelling on earth longer than humans. Mayan and Egyptian Civilizations used to be their homes. Their connection with the Dogon of Mali is also very well known.

Their metaphysical sense is quite advanced. They were responsible for providing highly advanced astronomical and medical information to the Egyptians. The temples and pyramids of Egypt are their gifts; within them, they built tunnels that are connected to the inner worlds and stars.

Mayan also took the benefit and gained advanced knowledge. They were there and helped us at the time of the catastrophic period in Atlantis. Aura work and crystal healing come from the Atlantean knowledge and provided by Sirians.

The Dogon of Mali had advanced knowledge of the Solar system especially the Sirius star system. Even though their knowledge was thousands of years old, scientists claim that it is highly accurate.

Sirians today are highly evolved souls with the incline towards positivity. They want to help Earth and its dwellers in any possible way. They are more spiritually advanced than any civilization on Earth.

As compared with other Starseeds, they are very different because of the mixed traits. They seek truth and want to know the answers to many things. The magical aspects of life attract them a lot and they are inclined towards magic and wizardry. But, their nature is scientific. Their mind wants to make scientific miracles, but their soul prefers the magic world.

When it comes to friends, their circle is small. They don’t open up to people instantly and hide their emotions and feelings. Building trust in others is complicated for them. Art, writing and music are also their areas of interest.

Arcturian Starseed

The Arcturians are fourth and fifth dimensional and highly evolved as compared with our third-dimensional world. At a particular time, millions of Arcturian souls dwell the earth. Mostly, they comprise of the younger generation. Their origin goes back to the Arcturus star located in the Boostes constellation. This star system is considered to be extremely old; but, Arcturian Starseeds incarnation in this world is quite recent. From our solar system, Arcturus is about 36 light years away.

Arcturians are very intelligent beings; they are the critical thinkers by birth and appear like leaders. Their nature is quiet and they don’t open up to others easily. Anger is their primary emotion known. As other Starseeds, they also have particular work on the Earth. They are the builders and planners of a new society. Their innovative nature not only helps in structuring but also building proper systems that benefit humans.

Arcturians are physicists, architect, community planners, mathematicians, system designers, musicians, and geometry artists. They want to experiment new things and implement their ideas.  The Arcturians want the humans to enter fourth and fifth dimensions as well and teach them to raise their frequencies of vibrations. They are known to be the protectors and guardians of the higher consciousness not only on earth but in the whole universe.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2021 ⏰

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