tommyinnit's slightly beatable method of avoiding sudden death

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Notes: This story is very hard to understand without reading the source material first, which is a separate fanfiction. It's a very easy read and it's absolutely hilarious and phenomenal. The fanfiction is titled "Tommyinnit's unbeatable method of avoiding sudden death" on Archive of Our Own by Eleni. Here is the link:

"Tubbo? Tubbo?" A boy clinging to the extremely unstable tree slapped his ear repeatedly, the bark tearing away as he shifted his grip. He whispered his roommate's name a few more times before coming to the conclusion that it was utterly useless, and that somehow they had lost their connection. He wasn't even sure how the tech worked so it wasn't like he could fix it.

He pocketed the earpiece, one of the two brain cells he had telling him he should save it so Tubbo could work on fixing it. That way, they could make sure this disconnection doesn't happen like that again, and instead Tommy could crush it when he chose to stop talking to his best friend. He glanced at the sprite bottle perched on the crevice between the main trunk and a branch sticking out, the fish inside blinking at him lazily. "I know, right? I am a genius."

Clementine twirls, the water around her bubbling with the movement. "No, you can't come down with me. You are just going to watch from above today. Take notes from the master." She blew a bubble in his direction before turning to face the ground below them. "Good, my child. Now we wait just a few seconds before these guys come out." He drummed his fingers against the tree as small anxiety bubbled up in his stomach. He didn't know how many people were in there, just that he needed to stop them before they took anyone else.

He honestly doesn't know how Tubbo finds these missions for him. This is something that the heroes should know about, but apparently not. He had to admit, it seemed that this human trafficking ring had remained hidden for a pretty long time. With all the other crime going on in the area, it was easy to overlook the ones who actually had some intelligence with how to disguise their deeds.

He took another look at Clementine, who seemed focused on the field. She, too, was watching for the horrible people. He gulped, a vision of his separation from his daughter clear in his head. Perhaps the worst part about this whole mission was not the fact that this was big, scary men, but that they took kids his age. Kids who were much stronger than him and had a bright future ahead. Tommy gave himself credit for his wondrous strength and ability, but there was a certain reality to the situation that he couldn't ignore like he usually did.

Before he could spiral any further in his mind, a door below him opened with a creak. Three men dressed in black exited the building. It was too dark to see their expressions, but from the laughter escaping one of the guy's lips, he was almost glad he couldn't see it. They stopped just in front of Tommy and Clementine's point of view, their hands moving in the air as they talked to each other. The vigilante couldn't make out what they were saying from his position. He pulled out his dart gun from his pocket, shutting one eye as he pointed it at the most buff-looking man in the group.

Normally, Tommy wouldn't shoot men like that with a dart gun. Even with its somewhat enhanced abilities, the traffickers wouldn't be affected that much, considering their sizes. You see, that's where the new darts come in. These weren't just any darts- no, no. They were laced with a toxin that would inject a sleeping drug into the person's system, making them collapse in a deep sleep almost instantly. Not only that, but they were gifted to him by the Blade himself. How cool is that? So basically, the two other men would be too caught up in trying to figure out what was going on with their friend, and Tommy would be able to shoot them in a breeze.

He stilled his hands, taking one breath, and on the release, pulled the trigger. He couldn't exactly see it, but he was pretty sure that the dart hit its mark by the way the man crumpled to the ground. See, this is where the other two would freak out and be distracted, and Tommy could take another aim. The second shot that rang out told him that he was very much wrong about his prediction of what was supposed to happen, because he hadn't pulled the trigger on his dart gun again.

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