
370 17 31

TW: Mention of alcohol, mention of family deaths


Friendships, or really any kind of relationship, are a weird thing. You had a few growing up, but as you got older, you simply drifted apart. You no longer had the same interests and adding distance didn't help the strain that already existed. You knew you could still call her, and it would be like you had talked a few hours before. But she's married now. Doesn't have children, as she hates children, and she is hours and hours away from where you reside in the city.

It would be pointless to call her. She has her own life and you have yours. So why you decided to call her that day? You weren't totally sure.

"Rowan would have liked to say hi, but he's still at work." Rowan. The asshole of a husband. So controlling and a man you would love to get rid of. But she fell for him. And hard.

"Aww." You faked disappointment. Something she fell for a little too easily. "Tell him I said hi. I miss you both."

"And we miss you." You could hear the smile in her voice. "Why'd you call? You never call first."

She was right. You never initiated a single call in the past ten years you had been apart. It was always her. Always the perfect golden girl who could do no wrong. She was the youngest child and her parents spoiled her beyond belief.

So mature of you, sweetheart, always so curious and noble and humble and perfect and...

"I just wanted to check in, I haven't talked to you in forever. How is married life treating you? Ready to murder your husband yet?"

She let out a small huff of air, a weak imitation of a laugh. "You and your unhealthy obsession with murder."

You shrugged, not that she could see. "What can I say? It's part of my job to be interested in it."

"You were interested way before you became a psychologist."

"You'd be right."

"So," She continued on. "How is life in the Big Apple? Find anyone worth bringing home yet?"

Of course. She always had her mind on some dick. That's why she got married. She never said it, but you knew. She just wanted someone to stick his cock inside her on the regular. Rowan was willing to do that, you supposed. Too bad he was just an asshole. How you were the one with a job as a dominatrix was beyond you.

But you decided to laugh innocently, carrying on this conversation that was beginning to feel more like torture than easy catching up time.

"Nope, don't have time for a man. I'm good with my sex toys for now."

She laughed. "Always the independent woman, weren't you Gwen. You know there's more to a man than his penis, right?" Oh was she the one to talk.

"I know, but I don't have time for that kind of emotional attachment."

"But not even a one-night stand?"

What little did she know. Too bad you would never tell her about your night life.

"Nope. Like I already said, I don't have time for that."

"Always working your booty off. I admire you for that, you know. I wish I had a mind like yours, always able to focus on work and being so happy and satisfied." You detected not only a hint of jealousy, but a hint of sadness in her tone.

And the unfamiliar feeling of sympathy filled your mind and heart, your words falling from your lips before you could stop yourself. "You know what, come to the city, come stay with me and I'll show you my life for a week. I think we need that."

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