Chapter 1

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A/N - I hate having to do this, but since NovelHD has already started to pirate some of my books, here we go. These works are mine. My poor little brain came up with the plots and characters, and I'd really prefer you to not steal them. If you're reading this on a site that is NOT Wattpad then it is most certainly stolen.




I sat up quickly, my hands to my face, as sweat broke out all over me. Yes! I was human again! I shuddered as the vision of a tire approaching my little body flashed through my head, and I lay back down, my head on the pillow as I took in my surroundings. The room wasn't big, but the furnishings were decent. Looks like it was time to get everything in order.

Swinging my legs out of the bed, I sat on the floor in the lotus position and tried to clear my head to organize the new information in my brain. Let's see, my name was evidently Will this time. That was easy enough, I had been a Will at least three other lives before. I was 18, as always when I was a new human, and lived in New Hampshire. Well, that was a new state, so maybe I'll pick up something out of whatever happened here. I was a male this go around, that always seemed to be a 50/50 choice.

Parents? Nope, as usual I'm on my own, I have a little money for the rent on this apartment, but my parents left me on the doorstep of a firehouse when I was a kid, so I have been in the foster system all my life. Or at least that is what my brain is telling me. In actuality, just a few moments ago the reality in this area changed just enough for me to be inserted, with an actual backstory and paperwork to be a real person. Ereshkigal had her A game working today.


I was born over 4,000 years ago in the city of Nippur, a part of Mesopotamia at the time, though in modern day Iraq now. My life was quiet, I was the literal goat herder next door, spending days up in the hills with my herd and sleeping under the stars. Until one night a goddess heard me singing around the campfire and fell in love. How was I to know she was a goddess? Yes, it wasn't exactly normal for insanely stunning women show up in the middle of nowhere to just sit at your campfire and listen to you sing, then make love to you and disappear. But still, a goddess?

But a goddess she was. Inanna in fact, the goddess of sexuality, passion, love, and war. They all seem to go together, don't they? Her sister was Ereshkigal, and Ereshkigal was a jealous bitch. All right, maybe she had reason to be, I don't know. There was some story about Gilgamesh and a bull, and the bull got killed and Ereshkigal was pissed, but I never understood that. I only know that Inanna was at my campsite, and she wanted me. I know, I was being used, I think I was the rebound for Gilgamesh. But, she was a damned sex goddess! How do you say no to that?

But then she was gone. She left me and went to the underworld to say hi to her sister, who evidently was still extremely upset about that bull, and killed her. Now, it wasn't like I was there, I didn't know it at the time. I only knew because a short time later I was brought to the underworld by Enki, another of the great gods. He convinced Ereshkigal to return Inanna to the living. Since the bull was something Ereshkigal had loved, Enki would allow Ereshkigal to take something that Inanna loved.

Yeah, me.


And she did, she killed me.

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