levi with long hair

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oOooooOOOOOoooo i hate school



this is prolly shitty so yk

(y/n) pov

Levi started growing his hair out awhile ago and it's is now long enough to be put in a man-bun which is honestly hot and adorable, bit of both. he still had the sides/back of his hair shaved which made it look even better. no one has questioned his actions, there was no reason to. some people loved it some hated it, luckily most people loved it. i'm very lucky i'm the one who can play with it every night, no one got jealous before the long hair, but now they do and i like to brag about it to some of the people who hated me but liked Levi.

i walked into mine and Levi's shared room to see him shirtless. he was staring at himself in the mirror tracing some of his scars that crossed his chest and arms, always stood in the mirror shirtless tracing his scars. his hair wasn't tied up and draped over his face messily which was something i saw everyday but still couldn't get over how hot it looked.

"i'm thinking of cutting it" he bluntly stated somehow noticing me enter the room

"what why" i question while hugging him from behind. he looked into my (e/c) eyes.

"i don't know, just might." he responded. i rested my chin on his shoulder and he rested his head on mine. we stayed there for awhile before he spoke up again. "ok i need to go, i still have work to finish" he placed a kiss on my head while i unravelled my arms from him. he put his shirt and jacket back on then tied his hair back up and left the room. i flopped onto our comfy bed with a small thud from the bed moving a bit hitting the wall. i traced the cracks on the wall with my eyes and eventually fell alseep.

*t i m e   s k i p*

i groan while sitting up, i looked at the clock and flopped back onto my back and groaned in my hands.

"why the fuck did i just let myself fall asleep for 4 hours"

i stand up and look in the mirror see my hair a mess and my belts and straps messed up. "fuck sakes" i curse at myself. i fixed everything that was messy and stared at the clock for 5 minutes wondering what to do. "i could go and train in the yard, i could ask erwin for something to do, i could go help hange, i could clean," i chuckled "that one would make levi happy. or... i could just go to Levi's office like i do every time i'm bored" i debated with myself, "fuck it i'm going to Levi's office." i stand up from the small sofa we had and left the room. my eyes wondered the walls of the HQ until i found myself at Levi's door. i knocked softly of his wooden door.

"name and business" he called out

"it's (y/n)" i call back while opening the door. he was sat back in his chair with a bored expression 

"damn- you look more bored than me" i joke at him, he smiled a tiny bit

"yeah, i am extremely bored, might be better now your here though" he said with a hint of sarcasm. i walk next to him and peck his lips, he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer and kissed me again. i deepened the kiss, he pulled me onto his lap making me squeal a bit, his right hand wandered around my body while his left kept a hold of me so i didn't fall. he undid the top few buttons of my shirt to have more access to my neck  and he immediately started sucking and somehow perfectly pin-pointed my sweet spot making me moan. i moved his head from my neck and he looked at me confused, my hand went to the back of his head and pulled out the hair tie keeping his hair out of the way, he smirked and instantly kissed me on the lips again.

a sudden knock echoed through the room.

"shit" Levi mumbled. i got off him and handed back his hair tie and went over to his couch and grabbed the nearest book. a knock rang around again.

"name and business" levi coughed out while adjusting the grip on his raven hair

"its erwin, i need to talk to you about the next expedition" he responded through the heavy door

"come in" he called back. the door instantly opened, i looked up at the door and erwins eyes hit mine, he smiled.

"why is your hair down" erwin questioned weirdly

"i was fixing it. why does it matter?" Levi barked back while wrapping the tie around his hair

"you did it wrong" i stated out of the blue. i smirked at him, erwin rolled his eyes at me and looked back at Levi.

"shut it, brat. i don't care" he glared

"levi, it looks like it normally does so it doesn't matter" erwin intervened, "anyway i came here to talk about the next expedition"
i block out their talking while i read the book i randomly picked up. i didn't even realise erwin had left the room. i looked up and saw Levi was looming over me

"you've lost my place idiot" he pointed at the book

"ok? and? find it again-" i retorted

"tch" he went to sit back at his desk. i stand up to leave.

"i'm keeping this for a bit" i announced slightly waving the book

"you do know we share a room, we can both use it" he responds without looking away from his papers. i sighed

"yeah ok you have a point" i turn to the door and left as if nothing happened before erwin came in. i wondered around talking to random people while going back to my room.
once there i flopped on the sofa and continued to read the book i stole from levi.


ik this shorter than my normal ones but eh idc i just needed to do something

noah, u didn't see this and i definitely didn't write this

i'll proof read later, rn i cant be assed soooo yk


ilu bye

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