(y/n) ignores levi

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(y/n) pov

i was the hunt for historia, ymir, mikasa and sasha because i wanted to ask something about levi. he had been really busy (or i assumed) because he hasn't been talking to me. anytime i've tried to talk to him he either ignored me, told me he was busy and asked if he could talk later or blew me off and it's kind of upset me but i didn't want to talk to him directly in case he got mad at me for interrupting him.  if worse came to it i'd ask hange or erwin what to do but erwin is boring and clueless when it comes to this stuff and hange goes to crazy with it so historia, ymir, mikasa and sasha were the best options. 

i wondered onto the courtyard to be welcomed with the 4 girls with hange. that was easy. i walked over to them they all smiled at me except mikasa and ymir which caused no surprised 

"hey captain" historia and sasha greeted warmly  
"hi" i smiled back. hange slung their arm over my shoulder and smiled, their usual greeting for me. 

"what's up?" hange asked loudly 
"hm nothing i came to ask about levi actually." the 5 of them looked at me confused. the only ones who knew about my relationship with levi were these five and erwin.
"hange." their head turned to me "how much paperwork have you been getting because for me it's been normal?" i questioned
"same as usual. why? what's levi been doing?" hange questioned back 
"he's been ignoring me all week and i can't figure out why." the 5 of them glanced at each other confused.
"ignore him back." mikasa said bluntly. i thought about for a minute 
"you know, i might-" i said. mikasa's face merged to a smirk, she has the same smirk as levi- i mean they are some-what related so not surprised. i thanked them for helping and went back to my office to do some work.

Levi pov 

i've been ignoring (y/n) all week and i feel horrible about it. i'm only ignoring her because of the mission out-side the walls in two weeks, if i die then i'll die knowing (y/n) hated me and it wouldn't hurt her to much. they keep trying to talk to me but i keep blowing them off or telling them to go away and i wish i could talk to her and hug her again but my brain won't let me. i''ve been sleeping in my office all week instead of our room.

*time skip*

its been 2 days and (y/n) hasn't spoken to me once, not even acknowledged my existence not even in meetings. she's ignoring me which means probably hates me now. one part of my messed up mind is  happy about it but the rest only feels the pain of being ignored by someone i love. hange probably knows why (y/n) hasn't spoke to me if it wasn't because she hated me because they've been acting funny in meeting constantly glancing at me then (y/n).   
i really wanted apologise to (y/n) so badly.

i left my office and went over to (y/n)'s knowing that's where she'd be. the room felt like miles away when it was only a few corridors down. the wooden door stood in front of me, i let out a heavy sigh and knocked on the door.

(y/n) pov

knock! knock! knock!

the known sound of a knuckle hitting wood rang around my room. i sighed and rubbed my face with my hand trying to make myself look more awake.

"name and business" i called back at the knocking 
"its levi-" the voice said back. i groaned and ignored him like he had done to me for the last week. 
"please (y/n) i just want to talk..." he pleaded from the other side of the door
"should have talked to me last week when you had the chance now piss off!" i barked at him. he went silent and without warning opened the door and slammed it behind him. i gave him a blank stare as he walked towards me and slammed him hands on the desk. the slam would have made me flinch if anyone had done it but i knew levi wouldn't dare hurt me.
i ignored him again and continued with the work on my desk. i head him make his tch noise, he walked around my desk and stood next to me. he grabbed my chin with his index finger and thumb to make me took at him, my expression was still vacant. 
he quickly closed the gap between us connecting our lips. the kiss had actual meaning in it, it wasn't aggressive or full of anger it was him trying to apologise to me for ignoring me. he pulled away sooner than i wanted 

"(y/n)... i'm really sorry for ignoring you i just-" he paused for a few moments, "i just didn't want you to get hurt if i died during the next mission and i thought if you hated me, then if i did die you wouldn't be upset. but then when you ignored me i felt bad and i just didn't know how to say sorry..." all i could think to was to hug him. i held him as tight as i could, he quickly hugged back. i played with hair a bit knowing it calmed down and it told him i was sorry too.

"i love you (y/n), sorry"
"i love you too, levi. you don't need to apologise again"


ik this is a bit shorter than my other chapters but yk i just wanted to get something out

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