crying! Levi X Reader (anime spoilers)

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i just realised i've had this book for a month and thought it was cool

i caught up on the manga and it has made me spiral a bit so yk


levi's pov

it was warm. a nice calm heat. different to the cold air that hung in the corridors of the scout building. it wasn't right, something was wrong but it also felt like i was safe in this new found place. it felt like nothing could hurt me here. i was safe for once, away from danger; away from the threat of the man eating titans. i refused to open my eyes in fear i'd lose this feeling of being safe. i knew this feeling was temporary i just wanted to hold on a little longer....

"captain....?" a familiar voice called out to me; i slowly opened my eyes and stood up from the floor. the land was empty, nothing but a vast white space.
"captain?" the person called out again. 
i turned around to see non other than sasha braus. one of my cadets... a one i let die in the room next to me. i don't feel guilt, only a mild anger because of what that over-seas creature did to one of the people who put all their trust in me. i failed sasha and i'll forever be sorry to her.

"captain. what are you doing here? your not meant to be here yet" she questioned with knot in her throat
"to be honest braus, i have no idea where i am or why i'm here. but um, i'm sorry for the pain you went through when you died. there was nothing we could do..." i looked down avoiding her brown eyes that still had that shine in them. i heard her take a step forward and let out a sigh

"i know captain. its not your fault. but before i go please tell jean, connie and niccolo i miss them and i love them. tell jean that marco is safe here to."
"i will sasha" i tightened my hand into a fist and gritted my teeth while i look down. i felt a colder breeze come from where sasha stood.

i stood for a minute before another warm breeze hit my back. i turned around and-

"kenny...." my eyes widened but he smiled; the first smile i saw from him since he saved me in the underground. 
"levi, you little runt you still haven't grown" he chuckled at himself sarcastically. "listen kid, i don't have much i need to say to you but i'll never regret giving that damn knife or the titan serum. don't take me to seriously, i was an asshole. but i don't regret it because if i didn't leave you there would be no chance you'd be here stood before me" the words he spoke were genuine and it was difficult to hear genuine words from a man who lied to you so many times.
"i don't regret my time with you either" i said to him. the cool air hit my face again.
how many people will i have to talk to i thought to myself while warm air hit my back again, but there was two gusts this time instead of one. i snapped my head around and saw to people. two people i missed a lot. two people who never failed to stand by my side until the very end

"levi-bro!" isabel shouted at me; i would usually scold her for shouting but i couldn't bring myself too. i felt my eyesight go blurry while i looked at the other figure 
"farlan....isabel...." i said trying not to breakdown right then and there. i felt a pair of tight arms rap around me, i knew it was isabel. she knew i hated be touched but i let her that time, she was my best friend. farlan walked over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder 

"your doing good for yourself levi. i would ask why you didn't end up killing erwin but its obvious now i guess" he chuckled making me smile. smile for the first time in forever. i single tear left my right eye clearing its vision slightly 

"levi, don't cry." i looked down slightly to look at isabel her eyes still sparkled with hope even though hope wasn't something to rely on anymore.

"listen levi," farlan began to talk,  "me and izzy have to go. but know that we love you and we'll always be with you. OH but also don't forget us, ok?"
"ok. i promise" i reassured him 
they both smiled at me and i smiled in response. but as soon as the gust hit me the smile faded away. i didn't dare face the next person who came from the wind, i just held my breathe.

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