Chapter 1

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I ran through the dark forest covered mountains. The cold, shilling air zipped through my long, pitch-black hair. The bats flew by me squealing with joy as they tried to race me. All was silent except for the brushing of the leaves and the flapping of wings. I soon heard howling and saw the wolves running in the shadows, joining in on the race. My red eyes pierced through the coating of twilight and gave me access to the world very few have seen. That many have feared. The night. I flew out of the forest and skidded to a halt at the top of a cliff. I named the cliff Maka meaning peace in Ancient Transylvanian. I looked across the valley and a little further down to see Castle Drakul. My ever gloomy home, the towers still coated in the fading daylight. It was about five or more stories high and had a dungeon that was carved into the rock wall. The crystal river flowed underneath its cliff shaping the valley into a plethora of sharp turns and jagged rocks. Deer drank from the river while their young started to curl up, tired from playing. The banks held some of the richest soil known to mankind. On the top of one of the mountains there were rams fighting with each other over their future mates. I loved everything about Transylvania: the weather, the village people, the forest, and animals everything except one thing. My uncle. Count Drakul. Pushing those thoughts out of my head, I waited, playing with the animals and talking to the wolves. Sunset started and the once blue sky turned into an inky black. Through it all, there on the horizon I saw a black shape moving fast. It was here. The object moved closer revealing my pet bat Angel. She was rather small, around the size of a little kitten, with a wingspan of barely two feet. She had a letter in her talons that she dropped into my hand, sat on my shoulder, and curled up for a well deserved nap. The first thing that caught my eye was the symbol pressed into the wax that held the envelope shut. I held it in my hands anxious to open it.

"Should I open it?" I asked the animals looking around them with anticipation. The animals nodded their heads, cluttering around me in anticipation, and I took a deep breath. I opened the letter to reveal my hopes and dreams.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Miss Drakul,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find an enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September First.

Your Sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

(Deputy Headmistress)

I squealed at what I read as the animals danced around, all happy that I got accepted. "Today my life begins." the wolves all nuzzled me goodbye. I then ran off the edge of the cliff into the river below. I dove into the rushing black water, allowing the calm liquid to encompass me in its grasp. I swam to the bank that brushed the edge of the cliff the castle rested on. Springing up, digging my claws into the rock side and climbing up and into my room. Before I did anything else I got dressed, grumbling as the scratchy fabric of the corseted Victorian dress rubbed against my skin. I looked at myself in the mirror, the black onyx pendant I wore sitting on my chest. I tucked it into the top of my dress and let out a loud sigh. When I was, as my uncle calls it, properly dressed, I started packing by gathering very few clothes that were more modernly acceptable for a ten, almost eleven, year old. As I packed I felt a new sense of joy grow inside me. I have barely seen any other part of the earth besides the castle and the mountains surrounding it. Only through the help of Severus Snape do I even know that there is a world outside the castle. Angel flew up to my shoulder and let out a squeak.

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