be wholesome and cuddle

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"i hate you."

"love you too."

"how many of those do you have?" hajime watched as you placed down plus fours, skips, reverse, and plus twos.

"enough for me to win." you said and tossed down a plus two on the stack of cards. "uno."

"is there any point in continuing?" hajime asked and looked down at the 21 cards in his hand.

"i would just give me the win if i were you." you suggested as he placed down a blue four. "thank you." you placed down your last card.

"congratulations now come here." he opened his arms and you moved to sit in front of him. his arms were around you as you laid down on his chest.

"at this point i don't know if you're letting me win games or i'm actually winning these." you said and traced a finger across the veins on his arm.

"i'm totally letting you win." he said, not wanting to admit that he was actually loosing. before you could answer there was someone scratching at the door.

"haru!" you moved to get off the bed, but hajime pulled you back. "what was that for?"

"you're mine for tonight." he said and held you tighter. "haru keeps stealing you away."

"it's not my fault you have such a cute dog." you said, but stayed in his arms anyway.

"i'm getting some water, wanna come?" he asked and stood up. you nodded and followed him outside.

there was music being played in the living room and hajime's parents were there.

they were dancing

you sat down and rested your arms on your knees and then your head on top of your arms.

they were slow dancing in the dark with only one lamp on, but it seemed so much more romantic that way.

hajime who was done getting water walked to the stairs and noticed you sitting there looking in the living room.

he made his way up to you and sat down one step in front of you. you moved your arms and wrapped around him and one hand was playing with his hair.

"you're parents are cute together." you said and looked away from the dancing to look at your boyfriend.

"i know." he nodded. "that could be use someday."

"no, we'd be fighting each other while playing games."

"that too." he chuckled and leaned back against you. "they do this at least twice every month."

you twirled a strand of his hair around your finger and sighed. you couldn't imagine being that in love with someone. or having someone that in love with you.

hajime was watching his parents. it's not unusual for that to happen. when he was a kid he used to be the one who played the music for them and then watched them dance like couples did in disney movies.

he used to tease them about it, but now he understood why they did it.

he looked up at you and jolted his body up to give you a short kiss. "what was that for?" you asked.

always you -  i. hajimeWhere stories live. Discover now