eighteen year old child

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third year wasnt really what you were expecting. first thing, you became close friends with kiyoshi, bonding over your hate for hana.

hate is a strong word

bonding over your dislike for hana

dislike is such a meh word a

bonding over your abhorrence for hana

hana left for another country and you never heard from her since.

tendou rarely visited due to him moving away

your parents still acting like you were the sibling that survived when their favorite child died in a car crash.

maybe i do have a sibling i don't know about

semi, ushijima, and reon came back and visited the school once during the whole year. you texted the old group chat individually from time to time, but other than that there was nothing else.

it was painful, yes. you did hit your "five stages of grief" like makki said after a while. once everything came crashing down on you while you were alone in the house.

you haven't heard anything about hajime since the guilt trip after you guys broke up. all you knew that he was in america doing his own things and you were back here, graduating.

"where's your gown?" kiyoshi asked, with shirabu standing behind him.

"yeah, graduation is in fifteen minutes." shirabu added and adjusted his graduation gown.

"be down in a sec." you stood up off the floor you were sitting on while looking through your camera.

reon's old camera now had new memories of your third year. you managed to start the talking phase with two guys, but none of them ended up going further than that.

you placed your camera into your bag and slipped the gown on over your current outfit. you walked down the stairs and out to where the ceremony was being held.

shirabu and kiyoshi were waiting for you and you looked through the crowd. a smile lit up on your face when you saw last years shiratorizawa graduates.

tendou caught you eyes and waved at you, almost slapping reon in the process. you looked away from them and made your way to where you were supposed to be.

ceremony was boring like usual

the walk onto the stage was scary

before you knew it you were running towards tendou and wrapped your arms around him.

"feeling real appreciated right now." semi said from behind you.

"shut up. you get new for a roommate, let me have this moment." tendou said.

shirabu walked up behind you and you were talking to ushijima. "how are you?" he asked.

"i'm good." you nodded and in the first time for a long time you actually meant it. "i missed you guys."

"we missed you too." reon said and showed up with a plate of food. "been taking pictures with the camera?" he asked.


"that's good." he said and lowered his plate to you, offering you some. you grabbed a cookie tendou began taking everything from his plate.

"i'm getting your stuff later tonight?" semi asked to make sure.


"and then it's a five hour drive to tokyo." semi said. "oh god, five hours locked in the car with you."

"it'll be so much fun." you said and slapped his back. he flinched and slapped your back. then it was a full on slap fight.

"okay okay." ushijima pulled semi back by the collar while shirabu held your necklace.

"you're choking me." you coughed and walked backwards so the chain wasn't pressed against you neck.

"thought you were into that." you blinked and leaned forward, letting it choke you.

"just end me already." shirabu let go of the chain making go fall forward. ushijima stuck one arm under your waist and lifted you back up without even looking at you.

"you know ushijima's used to your bullshit when he doesn't even look at you while doing that." tendou said and threw a piece of popcorn into the air and caught it in his mouth.

you glared at him while adjusting your necklace, putting the charm back to the front.

"who are you?" semi asked kiyoshi.

"i'm kiyoshi." he said. "y/n's ex roommate's ex boyfriend."

"ah yes that devil." semi nodded.

"i still don't know why you dated her." you said and took another cookie.

"i was saying that you were the devil." semi pointed out, making you slap him again.

"fight fight fight fight fight fight." tendou chanted. semi placed his whole palm against your face and pushed you away from him.

you poked your tongue out and licked his palm. "we're cousins, i'm used to your disgusting acts." you lifted your leg and kicked him in his inner thigh.

"too close!" he screamed. "way too close to the spot." he moved away from you.

"that's what you get."

"so violent." semi said and moved reon to stand in front of him.

"come on, let's get your dorm cleaned out." reon said and everyone followed him up to your dorm.

"your parents aren't here again?" ushijima asked quietly when you two were the last two in the line.

"yeah, nothing new." you shrugged and ignored the look ushijima sent you. "so how are you and tendou?" you changed the topic.

"long distance," he shortly answered.

at least someone has the balls to do that

"that's cool, happy for you."

"that sounded very sarcastic."

"i don't know how to say those words without sounding sarcastic." you admitted. "but i am really happy for you."

"thank you." you guys walked into the dorm room and you realized how crowded it was.

you climbed onto the top bunk with kiyoshi hanging off the ladder and tendou sitting in the bottom bunk.

reon and ushijima were taping the boxes and zipping up your bags. the rest of you were looking through the pictures you took.

"i'm not gonna question this one." semi said when a picture of goshiki with sunglasses, high heels, and those feathery scarves.

"it was a fashion show." you explained anyway.

"and we missed it?" tendou whined.

"you should've seen it. we sneaked a photo of coach and then edit it after." shirabu added.

"yeah all the fun happened after you guys left." you teased and that caused tendou to grab your leg and pull on it.

since you were sitting on the edge we ended up pulling you off. "this is like that one lion king scene." kiyoshi commented.

ushijima, once again caught you and saved you from smashing your face against the floor.

"thank you ushi."

"eighteen year old child."

my report card came out so if i don't update then i'm dead 😛
also posting the introduction to my tsukki book later and it's a royalty au

always you -  i. hajimeWhere stories live. Discover now