Week 1 of June

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The show intro plays.Pyro shoots down.

Mauro:24 HOURS AGO WE HAD A INCREDIBLE NIGHT OF ACTION AND TONIGHT WE KEEP THAT TRAIN GOING!!! Folks we are live here in Erie Pennsylvania for RAW IS WAR! Im Mauro Ranallo joined here tonight as always by Excalibur and Corey Graves.

Excalibur:We have a fantastic night of action as we will see the two qualifiers in the World Title Tournament.Next week the two finalists will face off and the winner will face Shinsuke Nakamura at Double or Nothing!

Corey:Thats right but to start off the night lets welcome our GM!!!

Eric walks out and enters.

Eric:Well folks you all saw my announcement last night.You saw that Raw and Smackdown now have a new championship! So with that being said tonight i am going to announce the match for the Hardcore Championship! At Double or Nothing it will be The Murderhawk Monster Lance Archer taking on Sami Callahan!!!!!!


Eric smiles and walks off.

Mauro:Well that was a crazy announcement by Eric Bischoff!!!! Up next ladies and gentlemen we have Seth Rollins taking on Dean Ambrose in the first match in the World Title Tournament!

Brian Zane:The following contest is scheduled for one fall!!! Introducing first from Cincinnati Ohio,Weighing in at 224 pounds...DEAN AMBROSE!!!!

Dean walks out and enters

Brian:And his opponent from Davenport Iowa,weighing in at 217 pounds....SETH ROLLINS!!!!

Seth walks out and enters.

The bell rings and the match begins.The two tieup.Seth gets Dean in a headlock.Dean gets him in a waistlock.Seth then gets him in a waistlock of his own.Dean gets him in a headlock and slams him down.Dean then grabs Seths arm and twists it.Seth then gets up while Dean still has a hold of his arm.Seth hits Dean and goes for a german suplex but Dean elbows him.Ambrose grabs Rollins and knees him.He throws him out.He goes off the ropes and goes for a suicide dive but Rollins knees him in midair! Rollins gets him up,and rolls him in.He goes off the ropes and nails a suicide dive!!!Seth grabs Dean and rolls him in.He heads up top and goes for a phoenix splash but Dean gets up and pushes him off.Seth hits the barricade.

*Commerical Break*

Dean has Seth in a headlock.Seth gets out of it and hits him.He kicks him and goes for a pedigree but Dean gets out and hits Seth.He goes for a Dirty Deeds but Seth hits Dean and knees him.Dean backs up inti the ropes and goes for  Rebound Rope Clothsline but Seth nails a Slingblade.Seth grabs Deans arm and goes for a Ripcord Knee but Dean grabs his knees,kicks him in the gut and nails a Dirty Deeds!!!!Dean pins Seth but he kicks out.Dean grabs him and knees him.He goes for another Dirty Deeds but Seth pushes him to the corner.He steps back and knees Dean.He grabs his arm and nails a ripcord knee.He kicks him in the gut,goes off the ropes and nails a curb stomp! He pins Dean for the win.

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