Ch. 25 Back in Black

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One and a half Week Later

Late Night

3rd Pov

Y/n and Yang are laying in bed together, just enjoying each other's company.

Y/n: You think Ren and Nora are doing alright?

Yang: Yeah Sam is with them, she is very reliable, we all like her.

Y/n: Well if you trust her then so will I.

She looks up at him.

Yang: Hey thanks for staying here for me and Ruby, it really helped out a lot.

Y/n: Of course.  I will always be here for you, all of you, for as long as you need me.

She kisses him.

Yang: I am so glad that you are finally safe here with me in my arms, but the city needs you, it needs the real Spider-Man back.

Y/n: A-Are you sure, because I am sure Ben could fill in for me a little longer, are you sure you want me to wear the mask again?

Yang: No I don't want you to,  I just want you to stay with me forever.  But I know it's your responsibility to stop Fisk, so I will help you do just that.

He was very touched by her words, and she could tell.

Yang: I will stay strong for Ruby...but I just don't know if I can be strong enough...

Y/n: Hey, hey don't say that.

He gently lifts her head up by the chin.

Y/n: You are the strongest person I have ever known.  I have never known anyone stronger, I would not have gotten this far without you. Never think differently, but if you do I will be here to remind you, I will remind you that you are strong, stronger than me, stronger than Fisk, and anything he will ever throw our way.

Yang smiles touched by his words.

Yang: Come here, tiger.

She pulls him in for a long deep kiss.

Yang: Just promise me that you will be careful.

Y/n: Of course.

They kiss once more.

Yang: *Flirty* You know Ruby is going to bunk with Weiss and Blake tonight.

Y/n: Really?

Yang: *Flirty* Get the lights.

They start a makeout session and Y/n reaches over to the lamp and turns it off.

The Next Day

Greyhound Basement

Y/n is standing with Pietro in front of the fabricator that they stole from the Pantheon.

Y/n: It has seen better days.

Pietro: It has but it was able to make clothes for everyone to better adapt to the harsher weather conditions that Atlas has to offer.

Y/n: Hm... do you think I can make something, well more...'advanced' than winter clothes without overwhelming the machine?

Pietro: Hm, that might be a little too much.

Penny: *Ahem*

They turn to see the redhead smiling back at them.

Penny: I may be able to temporarily overcharge the machine and that could give you enough power to make what you want.

Y/n looks at Pietro

Pietro: That could work.

Y/n: Alright, if you are up for it Penny.

Penny: Absolutely!!

Y/n: Alright Thanks, you know it's strange that despite the fact that we both went to Beacon and had mutual friends we never once bumped into each other.

Penny: Maybe, but not everything can happen at once.

Y/n: Heh I suppose that's true. 

Soon after Penny used some of her power to charge the fabricator, and Y/n got to work on a new suit and gadgets. 

A Few Hours Later

Greyhound Roof

Fisk Tower

Main Office

Fisk in on the computer reading an email from a potential client.

It read 'I can be there in three days or so don't wait up.  F.-

Fisk: Good at least there is some good news...

He couldn't finish his thought before his computer glitched out and changed into a black screen with a flashing white bar.  like an old text-based video game.  The screen only said one thing.

Come see me, NOW.

Fisk gets up and heads to the elevator, and presses the buttons labeled 2, 8, 27, 9, 9, 23, 5, 15, 1, 18.  Then he repeats the sequence in reverse.  The elevators close and it descends to the subbasement that is 15 miles below ground.

Once the elevator doors ding open they reveal a large laboratory. Where there is only one project being worked on an Iron Survival suit being built for the horribly burnt man in a chair in the middle of the room who is connected to a number of breathing tubes that are keeping him alive.

Fisk walks over to that man.

Fisk: You summoned me Norman?

Yes, this was Norman Osborn horribly burned from his last fight with the Spider-Man now being kept alive by machines.

Osborn: *Deep Breath* Have you found the boy?

HE spoke in a deep almost nightmarish tone.

Fisk: Ironside believes he got a lead, but he would like to finish his interrogation with Winter before he takes action.

Osborn: *Deep Breath* If you're assassins can't get the job done, then maybe Octavious's little lab experiment will be a better fit for the job.

Fisk: That won't be necessary sir, I already contacted an outside agent to help us in this endeavor, we will have the situation under control in no time.

Osborn: *Deep Breath* I hope it will be enough Wilson, for your family's sake.

Fisk: Of course sir, how is the progress on the suit?

Osborn: Slow *Deep Breath* but constant.  Soon I will be able to walk among the people again, as their Iron savior.  All in good time *Deep breath* All in good time.

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