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Hey! I am so sorry that is has been so long since we updated. We have been so busy, anyway here is chapter five we will try to update more frequently. Again sorry! :)

January 6, 1996

    It's raining when I wake up, I can hear it even from the dungeons. A steady pounding at my ears reminds me of another fact: I'm quite hungover. Probably from the party last night, and judging from the fact that I can't remember a thing... I try to act nonchalant as I walk out of my dorm, but of course there's already whispers all around me. I instinctively walk to my class before realizing today is Saturday.
    I start returning to my dorm but decide to eat breakfast in the Great Hall instead. The whispers are louder in there, but the moment I step into the doorway all noise ceases to exist, sucked out of the room with the loud clang of someone's utensils banged down on the table. Draco gets up from his seat, a lone figure walking in a sea of silence. He brushes past me roughly, which breaks the crowd out of their trance. Now the talk is more subtle, but no one's bothered enough to change the subject, and I can tell they're all still talking about me. Why can't I remember anything? Unless...
    I remember almost every lesson my father taught me, but the most important lesson was this: don't trust anyone other than yourself. And I wasn't going to trust anyone else to tell me what happened last night. It was time to perform Novisiate. And time to find Draco, because I need him to help me do it. I begin wandering the halls of the school, looking around for Draco until my feet hurt. Something is up. Either he's avoiding me, or we have become the victim of a series of coincidences that seem very unlikely.
    At the end of the hall, I find Pansy gossiping to her friends. If anyone knows where he is, it's her. She turns around as I approach and makes innocent eyes. I'm sick and tired of her bullshit. I slam her against the wall, holding her by her neck. Slowly and sweetly, I whisper: "Hey Pansy. Where's Draco?"

Harry's POV

    Sitting next to the fire in the common room usually calms me, but not today. I check the clock again, impatiently waiting for Ron and Hermione to arrive. The door opens and I jump up, ready to tell them what happened last night. A tired Hermione walks in. She sighs and plops herself down next to me. "Harry, I stayed up all night reading every history I could find on Voldemort. Nothing came up about anyone related to him in blood, and nothing much came up on him at all. Are you really sure about this?" I nod excitedly. "You'll never guess where I was last night.
    At that moment, Ron's ungainly form walks through the door. "Ron, I was just telling Hermione-" "Yeah, yeah, Kalia this, Kalia that. I'm tired of hearing about this mystery girl that you're getting way too obsessed with." "But I've got proof. I went to the party last night- a Slytherin party, down in their common room. And guess what Miss Kalia let slip while she was drunk?" They stare at me expectantly, waiting for some loose piece of evidence, some logical leap. I'm sorry about lying to them, but when we find out who she is they'll thank me for this. "The dark mark."


    She cracked far quicker than I thought she would have. Just took her a second to see the look in my eyes before she realized I was serious. Walking to the astronomy tower, I realize something. If he thinks he can do this with me around, I've been too soft on him. Time to show him what happens when he disobeys me.
    I climb the stairs slowly, deliberately. The grounds are silent, already anticipating the smoky night fog to roll in, smothering the sunset. I open the door gently. There he is. Sitting in the center of the tower, doing his schoolwork as if it's normal. Sprawled across the floor are textbooks, open to seemingly random pages. He looks up at me smugly, as if he's beat me at something. I raise a textbook behind him with a flick of my wrist, making sure he doesn't notice. "Hi Kalia. Didn't expect to see you-" I stop him mid sentence, smacking him across the face with the book.
A loud crack informs me of his nose breaking, and the subsequent blood dripping to the floor confirms it. A horrible half-moan comes from him as he tries to talk. I heal it with another flourish and he falls to the floor. "Why are you so obsessed with me?" I stop everything I'm doing. "Me? Obsessed with you? Why would you think that?" My world is spinning for a moment before I gain control again. "You tracked me down, spent the whole day looking for me specifically. Why? Surely you could use someone else as your torture toy." I'm shaking. "For your information, I need you. To perform a spell. I can't remember anything from last night, so..."
He scoffs and looks at me incredulously. "You think you were obliviated? You can't reverse that." He knows nothing. "Of course you can. But I need your help." His smile fades and he becomes uneasy. "I can't help you with that. It's..." "Dark magic? Wouldn't be the first time." He shakes his head. "Some things are better left unremembered." Excuse me? "What do you know." Silence as he shifts his eyes around, as if waiting for someone to come save him. "What the fuck are you hiding from me!" He stumbles back, before getting up and sprinting out of the door. I want to run after him. I want to kill him. But at the same time, I-
I fall to the floor and burst into tears. The rain outside resumes as a flash of lightning floods the room with a brilliant white light, draining all color from the room for the briefest of seconds, followed by the heavy curtain of silence. And I am left in darkness.

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