He goes to your graduation

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Harry: Your high school graduation is today. Your boyfriend Harry is coming, sadly enough. It's not that you don't want him to see you graduate it's that you don't want him to embarrass you. Also, you don't want everyone freaking out that a boy from One Direction had shown up. But you didn't invite him, your mum did. You're dressed in your cap and gown and you're waiting quietly in the crowd waiting for diplomas to be given out. All of your classmates lined up beside the stage. "(y/n)" your head teacher called. You walked across the stage then you heard yelling coming from the back of the crowd. "That's my girlfriend! Whoo! Good job (y/n)!" Harry yelled jumping from his seat. Your face filled with embarrassment. You walked back to your seat and acted like nothing had happened. Once it was over you met up with your family and Harry. "Why did you do that for?" you asked Harry. "What? I had to show everyone how happy I was for you." he said grabbing you in a hug. "You're so stupid Haz." you say. "I love you too." he said back laughing.

Zayn: Today was the day of your graduation. The day you have been looking forward to for all of your life. Best of all your boyfriend of one whole year was coming. Zayn insisted he come and watch you walk across the stage and get your diploma. During the valedictorian's speech you had gotten a text from Zayn. 'Hey babe, got stuck at work. Won't be able to make it.' he texted. Your face filled with saddness. You really wanted him to come and see you. "(y/n)" your head teacher called and you walked across the stage and received the diploma. You went back to your seat and waited for this to be over. When it finally finished you met up with your parents. "Why so glum (y/n)?" your mum asked. "Zayn said he couldn't make it. He's busy at work." you reply. Just then you felt a small tap on your shoulder. You turned around to see Zayn. He was kneeling on the ground holding a small box in his hand. "Zayn?" you asked astonished. "(y/n) I've loved you forever and I'm so proud of you. Will you please do me the honor of being my wife?" he asked opening the box to a sparkling diamond ring. "Yes!" you squealed jumping into his arms as he stood up. He put the ring on your finger and then whispered something in your ear, "I love you (y/n) Malik."

Liam: Today was the day of your high school graduation and your boyfriend Liam was coming along. He said that he wouldn't embarrass you but strangely enough you wanted him to. You wanted him to make your graduation special but knowing Liam he was going to respect all the there's in the crowd, typical. You sat quietly in your seat and listened to the valedictorian's speech and waited for basically everyone else get there diploma. Your name was the very last to be called to stage. "(y/n)." the head teacher called as you slowly walked to the stage. You were so nervous that you could barely breath. You've concentrated so hard on not tripping over yourself while walking across the stage. You were a bit of a clutz. You got your diploma safely and didn't even stumble while walking back to your seat at the back of the room. Once it was over you met up with the large group of family that had come to see you graduate. "We are all so proud of you (y/n)." your father said patting your shoulder. You were attacked with hugs from the younger children that had come to see you. "Eh hem." you heard someone clearing their throat behind you. You turned to see Liam holding a large bouquet of flowers. "Liam? This is adorable." you said as he gave them to you. "I've always thought flowers were a good choice." he said mentally giving himself a thumbs up. "They are beautiful Li." you said giving him a kiss. He pulled away saying, "Not as beautiful as you babe."

Louis: Your high school graduation was today. You mum and dad had the brilliant idea of inviting your boyfriend, Louis, without your permission. You knew was going to do something to embarrass you. That's just how he was. He knew you were always shy and that you hated being embarrassed with a burning passion. It's bound to happen. As the classmates ahead of you head up the stage you just waited for your name to be called. The anticipation was killing you. "(y/n)" the head teacher finally announced. You walked up to the stage and shook the teachers hand and grabbed your diploma. As you walked off the stage you heard music play. "Her eyes her eyes, make the stars look like they're not shinning. Her hair, her hair falls perfectly without her trying. She's so beautiful and I tell her everyday." you heard someone sing from back behind. You couldn't wait to see who's family member was doing that. Then the voice sounded familiar. Just then you saw Louis stand from his seat and sing more of the song. Out of all the things he could do why did he have to sing to you?! As the song finished up he was standing beside of your seat in the crowd. "I love you (y/n). I am so proud of you." he said giving you a kiss and the crowd around you awed. "I love you too Louis."

Niall: Your high school graduation was in fifteen minutes and none of your family has shown up. Not even your boyfriend, for a year and a half, Niall. He's never missed anything that you thoght was important. Before you knew it the fifteen minutes were up and the graduation had started. You sadly sat in your seat and kept glancing back to the crowd to see if any of your family it Niall showed up. They haven't. "(y/n)" your head teacher called. You walked on stage, shook the teacher'a hand and got your diploma. As you were walking off the stage you noticed that no one still hadn't showed up for you. You couldn't believe even Niall missed your high school graduation. Even after you told him how much you were looking forward to it. Even after he promised he would come and see you. You just sat in your chair and waited for the ceremony to be over so that you could send Niall a very strongly worded text. Once it had ended you headed for your car. But something was strange. You got to the car and it had things all over it, post-it notes. Each one said 'Good job' and 'We're so proud' and 'I love you' but there was one that stick out the most. All the post-its were green but then there was on that was blue stuck on the back. It said 'Will you marry me?'. You were momentarily confused. You turned around and saw all of your family walking toward you. "Who did this?" you asked. "Well we all did but it was mainly Niall's idea." your mum said. "Where is he?" you asked and your brother pointed behind you. As you turned around you saw Niall standing there holding a blue velvet box. "Will you?" he asked having a sort of puppy dog eyes. You felt a tear slide down your face. "Yes." you chocked. He happily slid the ring onto your finger and hugged you. "I love you Niall." you say throughout your faint sobs. "No where near as much as I love you princess."


So there are the first imagines I've even made. I hope you guys like them and I take requests. I can make personal imagines and I can do both dirty and non-dirty. So just message me on my message board a scenario. But if you want a personal one send me your name and the boy and whether you want a clean or dirty one!

Thanks for reading!

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