Your first bad fight

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Niall: "Why do you always assume I'm trying to cheat on you?!" you screamed at Niall. Recently he's been acting weird since you began talking to your best guy friend again. "You are always flirting with him (y/n)!" he yelled back. "No I'm not Niall! That's called talking! It's done with your mouth! And words!" you screamed back. "Don't you dare try to act innocent in this! I hear your phone calls and I read the texts!" he yelled. "You went through my phone?!" you screamed. "Yes I did! I didn't trust that you were being honest with me!" he yelled. "You know what?! I'm happy you did! I'm happy you don't trust me! I'm happy that we've been together for almost a year and you don't trust me because I have friends that are guys!" you yelled. "No (y/n)! I don't trust you because you act like a slut around him!" Niall snapped back. He just called you a slut. Yea, you and Niall have fought before but he's never gone that far. You turned around and grabbed your phone and purse. "Wait (y/n)! I didn't mean to call you that!" Niall called after. "Forget it Niall." you spoke in a normal tone as you walked out to your car. "Look I didn't mean to say that!" he yelled after you again. "It's not that you called me that Niall! It's that you'd even think that I acted like a slut! It's the fact that me being a slut crossed your mind!" you yelled with tears falling from your eyes. Once the sentence came out you started your car and left.

Louis: "You honestly think I'm going to believe you were just being nice Lou?!" you yelled. Earlier today you and your boyfriend Louis went to the market. Louis seemed to be very nice to this one specific girl at the market. He helped with almost everything. "Yes! You should! I was just being a kind fellow! She needed help carrying all of those bags!" he yelled back defending himself. "Those bags?! And those two liters of soda that other time?! And help with pushing the trolly?!" you yelled back. "I was just being nice to her! Since when have I ever gone past someone and not helped them if they needed it?!" he asked. Just then you saw a piece of paper sticking out from his pocket. "If you were just being nice then what the bloody hell is this?!" you screamed ripping the paper from his pocket. "That's...uh..." he said nervously. "That's what I thought it was Lou." you said as tear fell. "Look don't cry (y/n). I don't like her like I like you." he said trying to wipe away the tears with his thumb. You moved back not letting his hand touch your face. "I need time to think Louis. Just leave me alone." you said going to your room and putting clothes in a duffel bag. "Where the hell are you going?!" he yelled. "Anywhere but here. Just let me think this over." you said calmly walking past him as he stood in the doorway. You went out to your car and put in the duffel bag. "What is there to think over?!" Louis yelled. "Us!" you yelled slamming the door to your car and driving off.

Liam: "What the hell is this Liam!?" you yelled throwing the magazine onto the table infront of your boyfriend. "That never even happen (y/n)!" he yelled back once he noticed what the cover said. "Oh really now?! You didn't kiss her?! You didn't go to a party she so happened to be at?!" you yelled back. "Ok maybe that happened but it was all an accident (y/n)! I swear it was!" he yelled back. "I can't believe you Liam! I can't believe you would kiss another girl while we've been together for two years! Two whole fucking years Liam!" you yelled as tears came out of your eyes. "It was an accident! Just let me explain!" he yelled as you went to your room. "You have two minutes Payne. Or I'm leaving." you said abnormally calm. "So I went to a pub with Niall. It was a stupid mistake that I should have never done. I guess I got a bit drunk and met her. She invited me to this party and so I went. Then you know what happened." Liam said shamefully. "You got drunk? Since when do you get drunk Liam? You never get drunk!" you exclaimed. "I was with Niall!" he yelled. "You can't blame other people for your mistakes!" you yelled trying to find your car keys. "You're still leaving?! After I explained myself?!" Liam yelled. "Yes! Just because you explained yourself doesn't erase the fact that you still kissed her!" you yelled and walk past his large frame in the doorway. He didn't try to stop you. He just let you go. He knew there was nothing he could do to get you back. You got in your car and left Liam standing in the front doorway.

Harry: "He's gone!" you yelled through the phone to Louis. Harry had just left without any explanation or even saying goodbye. You and Louis have become good friends over the year that you and Harry have dated. If anyone knew why Harry left it was him, sadly enough he didn't. "He's what?!" Louis yelled back. "He's gone Lou! I have no idea where he went or when he left! I just came home and all of his things were gone!" you yelled again. "Did you try calling?" Louis asked. You never really did. You were to scared to know the reason why he left. But you knew you had to. "No." you spoke through the sobs. "Well then call him now (y/n)!" Louis yelled hanging up his phone. You slowly went through the contacts on your phone and found his number. You taped on the number and it began dialing it. You heard the dial tone. It rang for what seemed like years. Then you heard him pick up. "What (y/n)?" you heard Harry ask lifelessly. "Where the hell are you?! Why did you leave?! What did I do?!" you asked as more tears fell from your eyes. "I'm going to mum's." he said not answering all of your questions. "What did you leave?!" you asked. "I saw you (y/n)." he said and you could hear a hint of anger in his voice. "You saw me what Harry?" you asked confused. You honestly had no idea what he was talking about. "I saw you with him (y/n)!" Harry yelled. "What?! With Jason?!" you yelled back ending the tears. Jason was your best guy friend that had just recently moved back to London. "Yes! I saw you and him together!" Harry yelled again. "What Harry?! Do you think we slept together or something?!" you yelled. "As a matter of fact (y/n), I do!" Harry yelled and you couldn't believe what he just said. "Why the hell would you think that?! He's my friend! He just got back and the last thing I'd ever do is sleep with him Harry! I would never do that to you!" you yelled. "I don't believe that for two seconds (y/n)!" Harry yelled. "You don't trust your own girlfriend?! The one that's been with you for the past year?! Why not Harry?!" you asked as your anger grew. "Because you're a slutty little bitch (y/n)!" Harry yelled ending the call.

Zayn: "You're such an asshole!" you yelled at Zayn. He's been at work a lot lately but that's not the problem. The problem is that he doesn't even acknowledge your existence anymore. He treats you like total shit and doesn't care. "How the hell am I being and ass?!" he yelled. "You don't even care anymore! You don't even notice that I'm here anymore!" you yelled. "It's called stress (y/n)!" he yelled. "Yea, because stress makes you treat others like complete shit?! Is that what stress does Zayn?!" you yelled. "You don't get it (y/n)! You don't have the type of job I do!" he yelled. "I know I don't but I'm still here for you! You can talk to me about anything instead of bottling it up all the time!" you yelled. "Maybe I don't want to talk about it! Maybe I don't want you to know about things that go on at work (y/n)!" Zayn yelled. "What could go on at work that you wouldn't want to tell me about?!" you yelled. "I kissed (y/bff/n)! Alright!?" he yelled. He kissed your best friend?! "What the fucking hell Zayn?! Do I mean nothing to you?!" you yelled while years fell from your eyes. "No that's it! You mean everything to me and that's why I've bottled everything up lately! the guilt from it was killing me though! I wanted to tell you but I didn't know how! It was just a stupid mistake and I swear it'll never happen ever again!" Zayn basically pleaded because he knew you were considering leaving. "Zayn I don't even know anymore." you said leaving out the door. "No (y/n) please!" he begged. You didn't stop at all. You kept going toward your car. You pulled out of the driveway and didn't look back. Little did you know that when you left, Zayn was holding a red velvet ring box in his hand.

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