Gryffindor Common room

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Meanwhile in Gryffindor Common Room
*This crush thing is getting worse and worse by the years,I can't stop thinking about her kind heart,Bright blue eyes,long wavy hair, and beautiful personality* Ginny thought changing into her pajamas.

Fire haired Ginny tried to fall asleep but she just couldn't stop thinking about her beautiful blue eyes staring at her and her soft hand toughing her freckled hand. So she got up and quietly left the girls dormitory and went down to the Common Room and plopped on the sofa to stare at the hot fire. Staring at the fire for about a hour now, she could hear people come down she reached for her wand to realize she forgot it so she grabbed a blanket and hid under it scared half to death, "sis what are you doing" "yah sis what are you doing" two people said then slowly took the blanket off of her "oh Freddie,Georgie what are you doing awake so early" Ginny said confused
"we"-"couldn't"-"sleep" the red haired twins said finishing the sentence like usual
"Oh me neither" Ginny says yawning of tiredness, "why sis you literally always pass out fast" Fred says "yah since you were a little tiny baby you also ate a lot" George says with Fred
"Shut up you two,besides Ron eats more then me and always has that's why Mione always yells at him" Ginny laughs "hermionee" Fred says like he fell in love, Ginny was confused "he's been fancying her since forever you never noticed" George says to Ginny "what she's strong, BADASS, beautiful, how do you not fall in love with her I mean her brown eyes, frizzy brown hair, freckles on her beautiful face,I mean Ginny you like guys and Girls and your telling me you never fell for her" Fred tells the other two "Shhh be quit, I told you guys to not mention that" Ginny says covering Fred's mouth and making sure no one else awake heard "oh come on Ginny your bi why is that so important,your in 4th year (Lunas in 4th year as well) and you still haven't told anyone else besides Me and Freddie oh and I think Hermione knows as well" George says taking Ginnys hand off of Fred's mouth "HERMIONE KNOWS" Ginny says scared and then her anxiety starts getting so bad she develops a anxiety attack "Georgie Freddie it's happening again I can't breath Gerogie Freddie" Ginny says crying "Ginny calm down your okay we've been thru this before" George says holding on to Ginny to calm her down "what's going on" a Raven haired boy with glasses and a scar says coming down "what else Harry she's having a panic attack" Fred says enthusiastically "oh Ginny are you okay" Harry Potter says worried "I'm-I'm fine" Ginny lies still having the attack and crying "no your not it will be okay Gin,Harry go back to bed" Fred says "bu..but...Gin"-"GO TO BED" George and Fred both yell at the same time "okay okay" Harry says running back to bed surprised of Fred and George's yelling. "You'll be okay little sis we both have you, your gonna be okay" Fred says to Ginny "shhhh" George try's to calm her down. Fred and George start to hum a song for Ginny. Ginny calming down starts to sing the song there humming , "calm down, your okay,we're here with you, you'll be okay" Ginny sings then starts to hum it, after a little bit Ginny finally calms down, Her twin brothers both hugging her start to fall asleep Ginny does as well Ginny sleeping on George's shoulder with Fred resting his head on Ginnys head. Then Ginny says quietly "thanks Freddie and Georgie for making the song for me" "no problem sis" "yah we're here with you sis" Fred and George say then they all fall fast asleep.

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