Safe with you, truths out, Christmas eve

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Luna woke up in the middle of the night to hear a noise from outside. Lunas heart started beating fast she was scared she saw shadows all over Then a voice "you are not worth it", "why would anyone love you", "she doesn't Love you and she Never WILL", "pathetic", "ugly", "Stupid", "unlovable" and on and on until "LUNA" yelled Ginny, Luna woke up "are you okay Lulu" Ginny asks Pulling her in to hug her "ju-just a nightmare Gin" Luna says hugging Ginny back with some Tears rolling down her cheek "shh it's okay here come up here" Ginny says picking Luna up and putting her on the bed "are you sure your okay" Ginny asks again wiping Lunas tears off her face "ya-I-I'm not Ginny, I'm so worthless and stupid and ugly, pathetic, a Big disgrace as well" Luna says crying against Ginny, Ginny stroked Lunas hair and said "your not worthless,your not ugly your perfect,Perfect Body, hair, eyes, Personality,heart" Ginny says hugging Luna "your perfect as well" Luna adds to the conversation "I'm so tired still" Luna yawns and then places her her head on Ginnys shoulder and fell asleep Ginny slowly laid down on the bed and left Luna cuddle up close to her. Luna still half awake felt embarrassed cuddling Ginny but at the same time she loved it,Felt safe cuddling with Ginny. *Christmas Eve was tomorrow so might as well fall asleep for energy tomorrow* Luna thought cuddling closer to her best friend and fell asleep.
Ginny woke up to her mother calling her looking to her side and seeing Luna sleeping cutely crawled up in a ball and hand covering her face Ginny laughs at the cute scene of her best friend. Ginny got up and went down to see why the yelling for Ginnys name was about "there you are dear do you want to help me make Christmas dinner" Molly asked her daughter "yes mum I would love to" Ginny replies back happily "where's your friend" Molly asked again "still asleep" Ginny replies while stretching "well I don't really want to but she has to be woken up dear to eat" Molly says
"We can wake her up if you want Mum" Fred asks "yah we can" George adds in, "if you guys want to" Molly says to the twins "are you sure Luna can be scary" Ginny says back "it's Luna Lovegood what's the worse she can do" The twins say also stretching and then walking up to Ginnys room to wake her Lover up "Luna time to get up my mum says it's time to eat" George says quietly "oh the hell LUNA WAKE UP" Fred yells "Fred" George says "she's not going to wake up any other way" Fred says sarcastically "true okay fine LUNA WAKE UP" George yells that time but Luna woke up thinking she was getting attacked grabbing her wand and yelling "𝘌𝘟𝘗𝘌𝘓𝘓𝘐𝘈𝘙𝘔𝘜𝘚" pushing Fred against a wall and punching George in the face so very hard "OI" George yells in pain "I'm so sorry Fred and George" Luna says feeling bad "it's fine Luna,besides you punched George not me" Fred says laughing at George "be quiet Freddie that really hurt not to mention I Got punched my LUNA. LUNA LOVEGOOD" George says shocked "I Really didn't mean to" Lunas says innocently and feeling bad.
"Well I'm glad to hear your doing decent in school Ginny" Molly says to her daughter "thanks my-What happened to your face Georgie" Ginny says looking over to her brothers bleeding and possibly broken nose "George dear what happened" Molly says walking over to the bleeding twins nose "it hurts so badly Mum" George whines to his mom "what happened George-Ginny get some ice definitely a broken nose" Molly says looking at the nose "Broken how did LUNA LUNA LOVEGOOD BREAK MY NOSE" George says even more shocked while Fred's laughing hysterically in the back "LUNA DID THAT TO YOU" Ginny says giving him the ice "oh my what did you do to her" Ginny says laughing with Fed now "I woke her up" George answers and that made Ginny laugh even more "I didn't mean to break his nose" Luna says feeling bad "it's okay Luna dear it will heal" Molly reassures Luna, "good job Luna" Fred says "yah good job" Ginny adds and laughs "okay hold still George since you want it healed so badly" Molly tells the broken nosed twin then "𝘌𝘗𝘐𝘚𝘒𝘌𝘠" Molly spells her spell "there its healed" Molly says to the twin "but it stills hurts mum" George says "of course its going to hurt you got punched and broke your nose" Molly reassures George "your going to tell everyone aren't you Freddie when we go back to Hogwarts" George says staring at his twin "yep mate".
After the chaos in the Kitchen Ginny made hot coco for everyone to calm down the excitement and to make George think of something other then his nose. Then they all played Wizard games for fun and talked Luna loved it, she was so happy seeing them laugh and Ginny just couldn't stop staring at Lunas beautiful smile. It started to snow even more as well and that made Lunas Christmas spirit happy Luna got up and stared out the window away from the others. "You do know everyone's in there having a good time and your just out here being alone" Ginny says giving Luna a cup of hot coco "Im use to being alone" Luna says still staring out the window and Ginny went to sit with her "what are you staring at" Ginny asks "I'm counting snowflakes" Luna giggles "that's a lot of Snow flakes Lulu" Ginny giggles as well "me and my mother use to do it all the time when it snowed this much" Luna says sadly "you really miss her don't you" Ginny says "every day" Luna says back "I bet she misses you to Luna" Ginny says hugging Luna "we would also find the most beautiful snowflake" Luna quietly says "I found the most beautiful one already" Ginny quietly says back "where?" Luna says "you" Ginny laughs slightly "I'm not a snowflake" Luna Laughs innocently. "Luna can I tell you a secret" Ginny hesitates "what is it Ginny" Luna says back "I'm-I-uh-I'm b-bi-Bisexual" Ginny stutters "okay" Luna says supportive "you don't ca-care" Ginny says confused "no why would I your my best friend" Luna says supporting Ginny "yah Friends........" Ginny says quietly. The two friends sat there counting snowflakes until "time for bed you two" Molly says to Luna and Ginny "okay Mum" voiced Ginny "yes Mrs Weasley" voiced Lunas soft voice. "Want to watch a movie on this old DVD player?" Ginny asks "sure" Luna agrees.
Only 30 minutes in the movie Luna was fast asleep on Ginnys lap, just looking at Lunas sleeping face made Ginny blush but agian that's a hobby to Ginny when she's around Luna , "you fancy her don't you" Molly Weasley says staring at her daughter "huh wha-what do you-you uh mean"Ginnys asks scared "I'm your mother and I know you love Luna Lovegood" Molly says "how did you find out Mum?" Ginny asks still scared "by the way you look at her, they way you talk to her,the way you hardcore blush when she looks or talks to you and I don't care I support you dear but you should really tell her before it's to late" Molly says "oh-okay mum goodnight" Ginnys says happy her mother supports it *tell her? Should I tell her?* Ginnys thinks but didn't know what to do all she did was grab Lunas Chin and slightly kiss her soft lips
"I feel safe with you, I love you...Luna Elizabeth Lovegood" then fell asleep like Luna was during the whole conversation.

|| sorry this was long and most likely bad why are you reading this ||

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