Lunas news

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Ginny woke up to the sound of Hermione Granger aweing to the scene of her and her twin brothers cuddling, "you guys are so cute" Hermione says seeing Ginny awake "yah yah don't make it embarrassing" Ginny says quietly untangling the cuddle from her Brothers "It was cute while it lasted, well we should go down and eat do we...uh leave them here" Hermione asks "yes let there cute twin moment last, in fact Hey Colin, yah Creevey can I use your camera" Ginny gets the boys attention "yes Ms Weasley you can" Colin says giving Ginny his camera and took a picture of the twin moment and grabbed the photo from the Camera and left with Hermione. "So uh Hermione..." Ginny hesitates "yah Ginny" Hermione looks back at Ginny "do you know I'm bi" Ginny says fast "Yes" Hermione laughs "How did you find out" Ginny asks thinking Fred and George told her "you and Luna Lovegood" Hermione says laughing again "wha...what" Ginny says confused "you fancy her,I know it's obvious" Hermione reassures "omg you probably hate me now and never want to talk to me again and think I'm a disgrace and"-"calm down Ginny I don't hate you or think it's bad you like Luna okay what's wrong with Lunny...sorry Luna shes a good person and she's really pretty" Hermione Makes a point and trying to cover up the fact she called Luna, Lunny, but Ginny went past it "I just feel bad for Harry" Hermione says again "what why" Ginny says confused once agian "he fancy's you like a lot I mean he obviously fancy's Malfoy as well but he fancy's you to" Hermione says "really I didn't know,well I don't like him like that I mean I use to in first to second year but last year is when I realized I might love Luna Lovegood,but she'll never like me, she's straight I bet as well" Ginny says with anxiety flowing back "aw it's okay I bet she's loves you as well your her only friend" Hermione reassures *maybe but why would Luna like me* Ginny thought "well bye I'm going to the library see you at breakfast or class" Hermione says walking in the library "huh...oh okay Mione" Ginny looses her thoughts on Luna *wait where is Luna* Ginny thought.
With Luna
The Thestrals were gone now there was only Hagrid's dog Fang now. "Stop stop" Luna laughs waking up to a wet tongue licking her "hello Fang..wait if your here that's means"-"OI Ms L'vegood wh't are yur doing here, Professer Dumbledore and McGonagall have been looking for yur,we best be off and go tell them w're yur are" Hagrid said helping Luna up and bringing her to the Professors looking for her. "Ms Lovegood were have you been" McGonagall says sternly but relieved to see her blue eyes "foernd her in the F'rbidden forest well mer mate Fang found her" Hagrid says in his usual accent to the Professor "thanks Hagrid" McGonagall says staring down at Luna "I'm sorry about this Ms Lovegood but you have detention with Mr Malfoy now and 20 points from Ravenclaw house" McGonagall said but didn't really want to do it "okay Professor" Luna says not caring and skipping her way to where ever she ended up.
With Ginny
"LUNA,Where are you, Luna" Ginny says looking for her best friend. Ginny lost in her thoughts of what could've happened to her best friend or the girl she fell deeply in love with she accidentally bumped into a student "oh I'm so sorry" Ginny said looking down to the student "LUNA" Ginny yelled pulling her up and squeezing her "Ginny, I...I Can't....breath" Luna says out of breath "oh I'm so sorry Lulu" Ginny says quickly letting her go.
Luna and Ginny just went out laughing but had a staring moment both staring into each others eyes it was like they just'd fell in love, after 10 minutes straight of the two staring at each other they both started to lean in onto each other about to kiss then "AHEM" a voice came from the side and they both looked up to see Professor Snape "did I interrupt something" Professor said in his usual slow serious voice "well Kinda of" Luna said truthfully "NO,sorry no you didn't Professor" Ginny said anxiously "okay well Ms Lovegood I need you and Weasley get ready for class" Professor says gesturing Luna to come with him.
Dumbledore's office
"There you are Ms Lovegood", Albus Dumbledore says, Luna looked around to see Snape and McGonagall In office with them, Professor McGonagall looked sad though.
"Is there something wrong Professors" Luna says confused "um yes ms Lovegood, your father has been-been....oh Minnie I can't do it" Dumbledore says to Professor McGonagall to tell her what was going on "oh you wuss Albus" McGonagall says sitting in Dumbledore's Chair "ms Lovegood your father has been put in Azkaban again" McGonagall says sadly "how last time he was in Azkaban he didn't do anything, he didn't do anything now" Luna Reassures in her usual happy voice "okay get out of my seat Minnie" Dumbledore says pushing McGonagall out of the seat "he's only there for evidence he was found as the person who murdered a Muggle family a day ago he'll be out when they find the real Wizard or Witch who murdered them" Dumbledore says in his serious voice "well my father didn't do anything and he's in Azkaban for no reason" Luna says actually getting mad "ms Lovegood he was the evidence his wand, his fingerprints everything" Snape says "HE IS NOT A MURDERER I KNOW MY FATHER HE WOULD NEVER THE MINISTER IS VERY PATHETIC FOR GETTING THE WRONG MAN" Luna yells once in her life and rushes out of the office or tried to and ran off when she finally got out. "Did Luna Lovegood just yell and call someone pathetic" McGonagall says very surprised "I think so" Snape says also surprised "I always loved her she's a queen like Mione" Dumbledore says cheerfully "shut up Albus the girls father was just put in Azkaban" McGonagall says "You shut up,uh oh" Dumbledore immediately regrets his choice of words "ALBUS PERCIVAL WULFRIC BRIAN DUMBLEDORE WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME" McGonagall yells "SEVERUS HELP ME" Dumbledore calls for help "No this is fun" Snape smirks.

||| sorry this chapter was long and that things Already took a turn poor Mr Lovegood.|||

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