Chapter 3

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Meghan woke up feeling like the whole world was crushing her. She hated that feeling. It had been so long since she felt that way. She forgot what it was like. And now, she has to go through it again. It doesn't help that she needs to go to the morgue to identify the body of the one person she was so afraid of losing. Slowly stripping herself from her pajamas, she got into the shower. She let the cold water hit her skin, cooling her down a little. She stayed in there for a while. She just didn't want to go anywhere. She wanted the water to drown her, but she promised Rowan that no matter what happens, she would never hurt herself again. The last time she hurt herself was when her parents told her that they wanted nothing to do with her and her "lesbian ways". They said that she would pass it down to her siblings and taint them with it and that she should leave and never come back. After hearing that, she thought that there was no longer a point in living so she tried to drown herself in their pool. Rowan saved her life and made her promise never to hurt herself again. She got out of the shower, brushed her teeth and got ready to leave. She fed Musk, their cat, and left. When she got to the morgue, she stood by the door. She was scared but had no choice other than to go in. She signed in at the reception and was led to the morgue. When she got by the door, she saw a few familiar faces. Rowan's family was there. Meghan immediately ran to them giving each of them heartfelt hugs. She didn't want to cry but she couldn't help it. She cried into their arms and they held onto her. She was family to them and they would never leave her, especially at this time. They all entered the morgue together and saw Rowan, or at least her body. It wasn't her. She was too still, too quiet. There were no dad jokes or funny faces. Her skin was so pale it was almost hard to see that she was once a beautiful black woman. Slowly everyone said their goodbyes and left. Meghan stayed while the others sat by the waiting room and gave her some privacy. Meghan looked down at the body. A tear slowly slipped down her cheeck as she remembered why she loves this woman so much.
"Rowan? Please wake up. Y-you p-promised...y-you promised that you wouldn't leave me. P-please..."
Meghan kept on pleading, crying and praying that Rowan would come back. But it never happened. She just laid there. Rowan's younger brother finally came in and led Meghan outside the room. They went out for lunch, honestly nobody wanted anything so they let the silence engulf them.

Rowan's accident tore a hole through a lot of people's hearts. It was all over social media, newspapers and TV. Dr. P. heard about the accident and an idea clicked in his head. It wasn't a good one but he didn't have much of a choice.

Dr. P. asked one of the IT guys to find out where Rowan's body was being kept. His plan was to go to the morgue, get the body and do his science experiment on it. Later that night he asked a few men to help him with his mission to abduct the body. It was pretty easy to hack into the security system, giving them access to the entire hospital. While Palistaki and the other men went inside, the IT guy stayed in the van as a look out and a guide through the hospital. They found the morgue and looked through all the stretchers until they found her body. They put her in a body bag and left. The doctor couldn't help but feel bad about what he was doing. But it had to be done.

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