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Everyone might be familiar with what a community book is, but to those who aren't familiar with it, here's a short introduction of what you might find in this book.

The Mystique Circle is a place where magical beings thrive. We're the magicians of our own world, the conquerors too! We have created this community to benefit the writers, the editors, social media users, readers, reviewers, graphic designers and for all of those members who are on Wattpad.

Here, your talent will be recognized and we ensure that you're given the maximum importance. We believe that it is necessary to provide equality and power. Which also concludes that each and every one of us are equal here.

We're always engaged with something different and crazy, and we never forget to engage our members in the beautiful family that we have built.

Even if you think you don't have a talent, it doesn't hurt to try, does it? We believe that each and everyone has a talent which is very unique and amazing, and we'll try our very best to bring that out.

Now, without further ado, let me tell you all the things you're going to find in this book.

The first chapter includes feedback of all the members that have been with us in the TMC journey, their views on our community, the people, their engagement in activities and responsibilities. During the one year period that we have existed, we have received little to no complaints about our staff and community.

The second chapter includes all positions, vacant or filled, in the community. There you can know the positions, the responsibilities and the values that they bear in the community.

The third chapter includes the Frequently asked Question and Answers (FAQs). If there is any question that you want to ask and is not included in the chapter, you can comment on the chapter, the question and we will answer you within 24 hours.

The fourth chapter contains the rules and terms and conditions of joining the community, the payment needed (not in the mode of money) to claim a spot after an interview.

The fifth chapter contains the FORM which has to be filled in a single comment.

Drop some tags here, to help us grow!

If you want to socialize and have fun alone, you can always join us as a member, only to have fun! join through the link in bio and we'll send you the link to main server

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