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You must have discord to be in this community.



1. Get to know all the community members and socialize with each and every one of them.

2. Community updates and not delayed, you'll get to know the status of every club.

3. I assure you that you will not be bored, since we have so many games for you to play!

4. You can improve your skills by talking to fellow members of your own team.



1. Communication process is delayed and The set of same club members cannot communicate due to lack of group formation.

2. Opinion contrasts are left unattended.

3. Moreover, the heads find it really hard to communicate with each and everyone of them on Wattpad.



1. Download the app / just search "Discord" Through web

2. Sign up (which is very very easy)

3. Grab the link to our server and have fun!!

so you see, it's not hard being on the app discord. So kindly sign up if you haven't already.


Fill out every detail asked in the form, so that we'll know you're not spamming and also for other reasons.

You can choose only 1 main role and you can have up to 3 auxiliary roles, and this is only for you! we wouldn't mind you having all the roles, but we don't want you to have pressure.

In order to join the community, you'd have to do these three things mainly: (i) announce about our community on your message board (ii)follow the community. (iii) add this book to your public reading list!

There are auxiliary roles within some main roles which are available only in discord platform, so if you see the mentioning of the auxiliary roles anywhere, please do not panic. your Spell is your favorite color.

Please be patient . We would try our best to reply within 24 hours at the most for your replies, if it gets delayed, we're really sorry for that!

If you can't sign up for a commitment, don't take the role.

You cannot join if you're in more than 6 communities. If you have your own community, it counts as 3.

(A)if you leave the server without prior notice, you'll be considered as a non-staff. you cannot rejoin again after 2 months and inform them that you're our staff and you need your roles back. If you accidentally leave, you have 2 days to rejoin back. If you want to resign, inform us that you're doing so. 

(B) What is the consequence? 
You'll not be accepted as our staff again

(A)Going on hiatus is understandable, but not for too long. you can go on hiatus for a maximum of 3 weeks. 

(B) What does hiatus mean?

You can take a break from your duties and be inactive

(C) Can I ghost if I am on hiatus?

Yes, that's your choice. We wouldn't disturb you if you're on hiatus.

(D) What is the consequence if I go on hiatus for too long?

If you ghost us for more than a month (without providing a reasonable cause), you'll be put into isolation. we'll warn you once like that. If you do the same again, you'll be removed from the server.


(A) Ghosting us in the staff server is not tolerated. We request our members to sincerely monitor their duties. We have not forced you for this position, it was your decision and choice to be one of the staff, as a TMC staff, it is expected for you to not to ghost us. This is a community and not a single-man work area, we all need to work together to bring out the best. So NO GHOSTING 

(B) What does ghosting mean?

you're online but you do not respond to our pings. It is understandable if you don't respond immediately, but do not do that for many continuous days.

(C)  Can I ghost if I am on hiatus?

Yes, that's your choice. We wouldn't disturb you if you're on hiatus.

(D) What is the consequence if I ghost for too long?

If you ghost us for more than a week (without informing hiatus), you'll be put into isolation. we'll warn you once like that. If you do the same again, you'll be removed from the server.


Rude comments to the staff and admins are prohibited. You're not allowed to misuse the freedom given to you. If you're not okay with what they say, please approach with courtesy, since they deserve respect too.

What are the criteria of disrespect?

(A) using unparliamentary words

(B) hate and harassment

(C) racist comments

What is the consequence?

You'll be removed from the server.

You'll be removed from the server

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