Chapter 7

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Amelie pov

It's been awhile my birthday had passed and I didn't do anything since I knew my main friends wouldn't attend...I was sitting in my bed looking on social media seeing Jaden had moved on from me... with a new girl... I saw allot of ship edits and pictures of Riley and her and I archived all my pictures with them and unfollowed them on socials... "new year new life.. new me" I said soft with tears... I looked at myself in the mirror and I saw a girl who lost allot in her life.... my dad was always away my mom was mostly away and my dads manager is now always with him... it was just me and and Lucas was staying at his friends place for awhile since my dad wanted him there and Lucas begged... and he loves it there... "should I do it..." I said soft seeing a pocket knife... and I softly grabbed it... and looked at it... and saw myself in the reflection.... "I'm sorry... I'm sorry I'm not a dream daughter... I'm sorry to Jaden for making his heart break... I'm sorry to myself for making me loose all my friends..."


I softly cutted a little piece of my wrist and saw the blood and it satisfied me.... I cutted a little to feel the pain I softly noticed my eyes started to get heavy and I heard "Amelie what are you doing?" And my body started to feel weak "amelie what are you doing?!" I heard again hearing my dads voice from the camera "I'm sorry.." I said crying and then I felt a huge pain and everything was black...

Kenzie pov

Amelies dad called me and tears escaped from my eyes I got into my car and drove to the house seeing police officers and a ambulance car driving off and I grabbed my phone as I cried...

Lauren pov

I was at sway with everyone and my phone rang saying "Kenzie Ziegler is trying to call you?" And nadia looked at me and said "eh what does she want.." and Riley agreed and I picked up and didn't putted it on speaker "hello?" And I heard her crying "please come... nadia and the squad are on their way... please come something terrible happened..." and my heart started beating "are you okay I've never heard you like this..." and I heard her cry harder "please Lauren..." and Riley looked at me just like everyone else seeing my face expression "what happened.." I asked soft... "Amelie... committed suicide..." I looked at Riley and tears started leaving my eyes and she immediately stood up "why..." I asked soft "I don't know Lauren just come to the hospital please her dad said he checked her camera and she dropped dead to the ground and blood next to her..." and I said "is she alive..." I asked soft feeling more tears.... "I don't know Lauren just come to the hospital, I'm sorry I can pick you up fast I'm there in 50 seconds be ready" and she hanged up and I looked at Riley with a face saying it's really bad and nadia hugged me and I softly cried and said "I have to go..." and I immediately walked out without looking back and Riley followed yelling "what happened?!" And i said "it's my fault.... I didn't show up..." I said wearing my jacket and I heard a car honking and I left the house and saw Kenzie's car with my brother and everyone else... I saw Riley looking at me and I got in and everyone looked terrified and she pulled out and said "why..." Louis asked soft... and John said "cause were fucking fake don't you get it! We all cancelled her birthday and we didn't even do something fun for her since we were all on set... her parents were away her brother even left she was all alone for months and we didn't visit cause we were always busy with our own things... she probably felt like she lost us and that it was all her fault..." and everyone felt guilty we got to the hospital and Kenzie asked at the service balie where she was and we got there and we all sat.... and a doctor came out seeing us... and she looked at us and said "she's not death... she's a deep coma and we can't tell when she's gonna wake up..." and tears left my eyes... and I said "can we see her?" And she nodded and we all walked in and there she was her lifeless body with machines around her to keep her alive and I cried and said "I wish you didn't do this to yourself..." and Kenzie was crying on a chair... and the rest was also crying but Louis was crying the most saying "what ever happens you might hear us and I love you in every way you can think of I never told you my real feelings about you cause I was scared you never felt the same way... I'm always overprotective over you cause I'm always jealous... from a guy liking you.. and you liking them back... you mean so much to me..." he said and everyone looked how he softly held her hand and Beatrix said "I hope she feels the same way" and everyone agreed... and we stayed maybe hoping she'll wake up and she didn't.... we left and her parents came and they were both crying scared she wouldn't make it... the doctors sending us all home and gave us times we could come back... and I came home and I laid on my bed feeling horrible I decided to tell Nadia...

Nadia pov

I was at sway with everyone else still wondering what had happened... "Lauren Orlando is trying to call you" my phone said out loud...I putted on speaker and picked up and I heard "I'm sorry I just ran off like that but something horrible happened and I think I just should tell you." I heard and I could tell she was still crying... "yea ofcourse" I said looking at Riley... "uh Amelie uh she-" and I heard her cry and Jaden also looked at me hearing something was with Amelie and mads also kinda looked worried "she uh she committed suicide and... she hasn't woke up yet... and she's in a very deep coma.... and they can't wake her up since she needs to wake up herself and now machines are keeping her alive and I feel so bad" she said crying and Riley looked shocked as her eyes filled with tears also feeling guilty... "when did this happen?" And Lauren said "this morning... I saw her in the hospital bed and they think she can hear what we say but their not sure... and I feel guilty I feel so guilty it feels like is all my fault... and everyone else feels guilty even her parents... and I don't know what to do anymore she meant everything to me we would face time almost every night or at-least text with each other and now she's not fully gone but gone..." Lauren said trying not to cry and tears already left my eyes... "I have to go now.." she said soft as she hanged up and everyone looked shocked and sad

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2021 ⏰

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