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Sooo this has angst- but don't worry it has a happy ending so Ye and also- sakuatsu are already in msby Also sorry if I can't make atsumu's accent- so yea hope you enjoy :)

3rd person's POV

Sakusa is currently at his and atsumu's bedroom, scrolling through his phone. Suddenly, he was shocked at what he saw, it was a news video about Atsumu and Hinata going on a date.

Sakusa was shocked because him and Atsumu are in a relationship which only their teammates,  osasuna, and komori knew. He started panicking, 'that isn't true, atsumu isn't cheating on me right?'. He kept walking around their apartment trying to calm down 'he wouldn't do something like that right? But... He's been hanging out with Hinata a lot lately.. I can't believe he'd do something like that..' He thought.

He then sat on their couch feeling sad and angry while waiting for atsumu to come back. After a few mins past, it was now 5:30 pm and Atsumu arrived at their apartment. Atsumu walked towards Sakusa feeling scared.

"O-omi-kun?" Atsumu stuttered "can you explain this?" Sakusa said while showing atsumu the video. "O-omi it's not what it looks like!its just a misunderstanding! Me and shouyo weren't on a date!" " uh huh but why did you both agree when your mom said that you guys were on a date?" Sakusa said while standing up and walks over to their room. He then took a bag and put some of his clothes and things in it. "O-omi where are you going? "I'm gonna stay in a hotel until I find a new apartment and when I find one I'll permanently move out here" "w-what?". The Raven-haired boy just ignored him and proceeded to walk to their door. Before he could go out Atsumu held his hand and said "Omi please let me explain!" "I gave you a chance to explain earlier!" He replied while taking his hand away from atsumu then he walks away shutting the door a little loud.

Sakusa's POV

I left to a hotel and when I entered my room tears suddenly started to flow from my eyes. I tried to wipe them away but they kept flowing so I just lied down on the bed with my face I'm the pillow and cried myself to sleep.

3rd person's POV

"I messed up!" Atsumu was now crying at their or should I say his bathroom, he hugging his knees while leaning on the door.

~the next day~

The spiker and the setter had puffy red eyes from their crying when they went to practice. They both ignored each other and it was affecting their practice so their coach decided to call it a day even tho its still 2 pm.


The msby team except atsumu and Hinata were walking at the park, since they all saw the video they wanted to cheer Sakusa up. While they were walking, they heard familiar voices so they went there and saw atsumu and Hinata talking so they hid somewhere and listened to their conversation. Kiyoomi's heart was aching since he's still not over the fact that his lover (they never broke up did they?) cheated on him.

"Hey shouyo.."
"Atsumu-San are you ok?"
"Yea I'm fine how are you and Kageyama?"
"We're doing good, he allowed me to explain so he understands the situation"
The msby were confused 'what situation? Isn't the situation about then cheating?' Those kind of questions were in their head. Sakusa was so confused because on what he understands, he thinks they both are cheating so how did kageyama forgive him?

"How about you and Sakusa-kun?"
Atsumu suddenly remembered what happened yesterday and tears started to come out from his eyes.
The redhead reached out his arms and gestures atsumu to hug him. The fake blonde understood and hugged him and sobbed on the shorter boy's shoulder. Their teammates were confused but felt bad at the same time, sure they think Atsumu cheated but he's still their friend.

"I-I shouldn't of agreed to them! I-its all my fault.. I knew I could live my life without them but I still listened to them! And I eve got you in trouble.." Atsumu was now crying while Hinata was rubbing his back. "Its not your fault.. I understand why you did that, you wanted them to be proud of you didn't you?" "yea.." "Besides if our mothers weren't there we could've told the truth to the interviewer" Atsumu then lifted himself up, calmed down and wiped his tears "you're right.. Thanks sho-kun"
"no problem, let's just think of ways on how we can make sakusa-San lets you explain"

Before Atsumu could speak, they heard someone say "no need to think of ways, I'll listen" they turned around and saw Sakusa. "O-omi?" Atsumu was trying his hard not to cry again and Sakusa knew that so he went and hugged Atsumu causing the fake blonde to cry again. "Omi I'm sorry! I should've told you about it sooner, I'm sorry!"
"Shh it's ok calm down, just tell us what happened ok?" The raven-haired boy said while gently patting the older boy's back. Atsumu sniffles and wipes his eyes "ok.. But can we go somewhere? I don't want other people hearing us" "We can go to our house!" Bokuto suggested (Him and Keiji bought a house together) "Is it clean?" Sakusa asked "Ofc! Keiji cleans our house" the owl boy replied.

So then they went to the owls' house. When they arrived, they sat on the couch and Keiji prepared some coffee for them. "Well..? What actually happened?" Tomas asked. Atsumu then took a deep breath, "Ok so my parents and shoyo-kun's parents are business workers or smth and when we were all in our house including samu and rin, they decided to join their companies by having their children marry each other and since natsu is still a child and samu had rin and they don't know about me and omi's relationship and sho-kun and kageyama's, they made me and shoyo get together. And I-I agreed because I didnt wanna dissapoint them.. And shoyo thought the same. So we tried to think of ways to stop their plan but our parents set us up on a date which we just played along then there was an interviewer and she asked if we were on a date, we were about to say no but then our mothers arrived and told her we were so we just went along with it.. So ye that's what happened"

They were all shocked and it was all silent until... "I knew it! I knew Tsum-Tsum wouldn't do something like that!" Koutarou shouted. "Kou please don't shout its Night time already, you might make the neighbors mad" Keiji  said. Sakusa then hugged Atsumu and said "I'm glad.. I really thought you cheated on me.. You should tell me sooner about things like this ok?" "ok.." the blonde said and he hugged back. "Welp I'm glad its all fixed now but we all better head home now its getting late" Meian said. They all agreed and said their goodbyes then they went home.

~time skip~

Atsumu's POV

When me and Omi arrived at our apartment since he's moving in again, we both immediately changed and now we're cuddling in our bed. "Does this mean we're together again?" I asked him, he giggled which made me confused but I was happy at the same time because omi doesn't giggle that much. "Why are you giggling?" I asked "Silly, I never said we were over didn't I?" He said and I was speechless cause now that I think about it he never really did- so I just snuggled into him.

Sakusa's POV

I started to brush my hand on Atsumu's hair. I'm really glad he wasn't cheating. "Hey omi?" I heard atsu said "yes?" I replied "we're thinking of revealing our relationship in public at our next interview and our parents will probably see it so they'll cancel their plan but we need you to agree first tho" "we can reveal our relationship to the public now, we've been keeping it for too long too anyways" I said. "Ok then.." he snuggled into me more and said "I love you omi.." then I could hear light snores so I guess he fell asleep. I smiled and kissed his forehead "I love you too atsu" I said and then soon, I fell asleep too.


3rd person's POV

Everything was back to normal except that people still think Atsumu and Hinata are dating. When their next interview came, they explained everything and surprisingly, their parents understood them and was also happy for them. There were also a lot of people who supports Sakuatsu and Kagehina and there were some who don't but that the two couples were still happy because they've got each other.

~The End~


Welp I hope you guys liked it- its my first time writing a story and the plot has been stuck in my head so Ye- and also sorry for all my mistakes and I hope you all have a good day!!💖💜

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