Movie Date Night

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Y'all here it is!


Atsumu's POV

It's been a few weeks since me and omi planned to go on a date. We planned on going to the aquarium since omi preferred going to places with less people. After that, we'd go on a ride to a hill we went to on our first date to stargaze. I was so excited and I was already prepared that week.

But unfortunately, we weren't able to go on that date because I got sick and omi took care of me really well. After I got well our schedules got busier since a tournament was coming so we practiced a lot until we only had Sundays as break which was mostly spent on either resting or hanging out with the team. But finally! The tournaments in a few days so we won't be busy soon.

3rd Person's POV

The tournament just ended a few hours ago and the MSBY team are celebrating. They went to a restaurant and now Bokuto is already drunk, singing while Hinata is cheering him on along with some of the members. The couple are sitting with the rest of the members, talking about their plans and other stuff while they grill, eat and drink.

They enjoyed their time together until it was already morning with most of the members drunk. The still sober members planned on who's going to take who home but ofcourse Sakusa would be taking Atsumu home as the others already know about their relationship. And so, the spiker hanged the setter's arm around his shoulders as he carried him to their car as he was already passed out. He buckled his and his the other's seatbelt, the hair covering the blonde's face to the side then he was prepared to take them home. 

When they arrived, Atsumu was still asleep so Sakusa had to carry him and until the front door since he had to open it first. 

Sakusa has his arm wrapped around his lover's waist a he leans on him and his other arm is holding their key to their apartment "Atsu, can you stand up for a few seconds?"

Atsumu lets out a grumble as he tried to stand up properly but apparently not sober enough to do so. He stumbled a bit so he was again leaning on the raven haired male who was trying to open their door. Sakusa pushed Atsumu carefully until his back was leaning on the wall beside them and so, he was able to open the door and drag his boyfriend with him inside.

When they both got inside, Sakusa let Atsumu lie on the couch as he went to the kitchen. The setter was blinking his eyes to  get rid of the dizziness as he felt someone tap his right cheek lightly. He saw the blurry figure of his boyfriend on top of him and he wrapped his hands around the other's neck and he giggled.

"Omiii, you're so handsome hehe" He said along giggles then he moved up to press a kiss on his lover's right cheek, his left cheek, then unto his lips. The corners of Sakusa's lips lifted up a bit to form a small smile. He found himself admiring his boyfriend, he may be annoyed with the fact that his boyfriend smells like alcohol but he can let himself ignore that for now.

"C'mon baby, sit up and drink this medicine, I don't wanna hear you whining about your head hurting in the later." He says as he sits up and picks up the medicine and water by the coffee table. The blonde made a pout as he tries to sit up but falls back down on the couch again. Sakusa then places the medicine and water on the coffee table again then he helps his lover sit up as he pulls his arms carefully. He again picked up the medicine and water to give to the other. 

After Atsumu finished taking the medicine, he planned on lying down again but Sakusa wrapped his arm around his back to prevent him from doing so. "Nuh uh, not yet, you gotta brush your teeth first then take a shower then you can sleep on the bed." The other grumbled as he was already sleepy but let his boyfriend pull him up. "Or do you want me to prepare the bath for you instead?" His lover asked to which he nodded in asnwer. He stood up and leaned on his boyfriend as he followed him to the bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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