The maze runner

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*Note: anything I write in these chapters about any fandom are purely based on my opinion.

Well, I just finished reading the death cure and watched the movies and had no one to talk about it so... (this is mostly about the death cure)


The first reason why a fan of a book watches a movie adaption is because we want to know whether the movies has done justice to the books. Well has it? I'd say yes, The maze runner franchise has done justice to the books and is indeed worth watching. Well of course it can't be ditto, there are some minor and major changes but its worth watching. There are some things in the movie that I actually liked. This is like the best book to movie adaptation as far as I know.

*Warning spoilers ahead


# The setting, the way they have shown the glade is so realistic.

# Teresa's death is so nicely portrayed in the movies. Its actually better than the books, like the way she just falls of and Thomas' reaction will definitely make you cry. In the books its just like 'good riddance' for most people but in the movies It kinda feel like 'she shouldn't have died'.

 In the books its just like 'good riddance' for most people but in the movies It kinda feel like 'she shouldn't have died'

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# The cast: Do I really need to talk about the cast(if you have watched it, you know what I'm saying). The cast is just amazing and perfectly fits the characters which makes the movies even more appealing. 

# Newt's letter to Thomas: In the books Newt never wrote a letter to Thomas, but in the movies they have added this amazing thing that will make you cry like a baby. It's literally like the best part of the movies. *must watch this*


# Minho was never taken by wicked!!! This is the worst part because Thomas and Minho were together the whole time! 

# W.C.K.D?? Seriously! can someone tell me WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS? Its so infuriating! I mean its supposed to be WICKED. What's the point of skipping two letters, when even the pronunciation remains same and I seriously don't know WHY they did seriously..why?

# Another thing I didn't like was that they found the cure in the movies and that too Thomas was the cure and that is a big NO! they never found a cure in the books.



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#Newt's death wasn't really satisfactory in the movies because-

1) Thomas willingly killed Newt but in the movies the he killed him by mistake and that too with a knife instead of a gun, this was probably done because they didn't want the audience to have negative feelings towards Thomas because he's the main lead. Its amazing how we still like Thomas even after what he did, and that's the power of literature.

2) Thomas and Newt's conversation before he died was the best and so touching and I think they messed it up in the movies, I was a little disappointed because I wanted the same exact conversation.

3) He doesn't say "Please Tommy please" ( actually he does but not at the right time)

The conversation: (this is longer than I thought, you can skip if you want)


"Just come with me," Thomas begged. "I'll tie you up if it makes you feel better."Newt's face suddenly hardened into anger and his words shot out in a rage. "Just shutup, you shuck traitor! Didn't you read my note? You can't do one last, lousy thing forme? Gotta be the hero, like always? I hate you! I always hated you!"He doesn't mean it, Thomas told himself firmly. But they were just words. "Newt ...""It was all your fault! You could've stopped them when the first Creators died. Youcould've figured out a way. But no! You had to keep it going, try to save the world, bethe hero. And you came to the Maze and never stopped. All you care about is yourself!Admit it! Gotta be the one people remember, the one people worship! We should'vethrown you down the Box hole!"Newt's face had colored to a deep red, and spit flew from his mouth as he yelled. Hestarted taking lumbering steps forward, his hands balled into fists."I'm gonna blast him!" Lawrence yelled from the van. "Get out of the way!"Thomas turned. "Don't! It's just me and him! Don't do anything!" He faced Newtagain. "Newt, stop. Just listen to me. I know you're okay in there. Enough to hear meout.""I hate you, Tommy!" He was only a few feet away and Thomas took a stepbackward, his hurt over Newt turning to fear. "I hate you I hate you I hate you! After allI did for you, after all the freaking klunk I went through in the bloody Maze, you can'tdo the one and only thing I've ever asked you to do! I can't even look at your ugly shuckface!"Thomas took two more steps back. "Newt, you need to stop. They're going to shootyou. Just stop and listen to me! Get in the van, let me tie you up. Give me a chance!" He couldn't kill his friend. He just couldn't.

 Newt screamed and rushed forward. An arc of Launcher lightning shot from the van,skidding and crackling across the pavement, but it missed him. Thomas had frozen inplace, and Newt tackled him to the ground, knocking the breath out of him. Hestruggled to fill his lungs as his old friend climbed on top of him and pinned him down."I should rip your eyes out," Newt said, spraying Thomas with spit. "Teach you alesson in stupidity. Why'd you come over here? You expected a bloody hug? Huh? A nicesit-down to talk about the good times in the Glade?"Thomas shook his head, gripped by terror, very slowly reaching for his gun with hisfree hand."You wanna know why I have this limp, Tommy? Did I ever tell you? No, I don't thinkI did.""What happened?" Thomas asked, stalling for time. He slipped his fingers around theweapon."I tried to kill myself in the Maze. Climbed halfway up one of those bloody walls andjumped right off. Alby found me and dragged me back to the Glade right before theDoors closed. I hated the place, Tommy. I hated every second of every day. And it wasall ... your ... fault!"Newt suddenly twisted around and grabbed Thomas by the hand holding the gun. Heyanked it toward himself, forcing it up until the end of the pistol was pressed against hisown forehead. "Now make amends! Kill me before I become one of those cannibalmonsters! Kill me! I trusted you with the note! No one else. Now do it!"Thomas tried to pull his hand away, but Newt was too strong. "I can't, Newt, I can't.""Make amends! Repent for what you did!" The words tore out of him, his whole bodytrembling. Then his voice dropped to an urgent, harsh whisper. "Kill me, you shuck coward. Prove you can do the right thing. Put me out of my misery."The words horrified Thomas. "Newt, maybe we can—""Shut up! Just shut up! I trusted you! Now do it!""I can't.""Do it!""I can't!" How could Newt ask him to do something like this? How could he possiblykill one of his best friends?"Kill me or I'll kill you. Kill me! Do it!""Newt ...""Do it before I become one of them!""I ...""KILL ME!" And then Newt's eyes cleared, as if he'd gained one last trembling gasp ofsanity, and his voice softened. "Please, Tommy. Please."With his heart falling into a black abyss, Thomas pulled the trigger.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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