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he followed her through the winding tables to the back of the club.... where the lights were turned down low. he could barely see but she strutted confidently down the long hallway into one of the rooms.  

Angel loved this room, it suited her. the couch was a dark burgundy and big enough to fit four people. next to the couch was a small glass table adorned with four scented candles, the only source of light in the little room. the dancing flames sent shadows scurrying across the walls, which added to her ethereal affect. on the wall opposite the couch was a floor to ceiling mirror that had vine-like lines decorating it, almost like a spider web affect all around the mirror. she absolutely loved it. 

she pointed to the couch, "get comfortable, love." she told the man whose name she already forgot. he was in his late thirties, over weight, wearing a wife beater and smelled of burnt oil. she smiled. for the next three songs she would treat him as if he were a king; the most desired man. 

the song started but in the tiny red room you could mostly hear the beat and just barely you could make out the words. it didn't phase her, however, all she needed was the beat to guide her body.  

giving a lap dance was like performing a ballet. she needed to make him feel desired while making him want her, without actually getting her. her skilled hips started to sway and turn with the pounding of the beat. she turned and looked at the man...her sultry bedroom eyes taking in the already forming bulge in his pants. gracefully she twirled herself towards him, her long red hair fanning out with every turn. she gently lowered herself on his lap and smiled. his eyes were wide and he was breathless. she wrapped her arms around his neck and started swaying her hips in a small circle. she felt him stiffen. She buried her face in his neck and whispered, "mmmm you smell so good" 

his hands found their place on her hips and as she grinded against him he slowly moved his hands up her back.  

"my god." he breathlessly whispered, " I have never been with such a beautiful woman."  

Angel genuinely blushed, she was truly touched by his compliment. "I'm so glad I can make you happy" she gently responded.  

"well what will make me really happy is seeing those titties of yours!" he mumbled, undoing her bra clasp. 

Angel sat up as she felt her bra slip, allowing him the most perfect view of her breasts. she gently bounced in his lap, her breasts slapped against her chest until his warm hands cupped them and kept them in place. they sat there like that for awhile, him kneading her breasts and her rocking her hips and whispering how sexy he was.  

when the final song started she stood up and bent over, touching her hands to her toes, giving him a view of her shapely round ass. she just laughed as he gave her a spank. she then slowly pulled her thong down, and he could clearly see the flower she had been hiding. he went to touch her and she quickly stood. 

"na uh uhhh"...she exclaimed, shaking a manicured finger at him. "no touching down there, love." 

he scrowled "oh come on, babe, just one touch. no one will know!" he pleaded with her. she just rolled her eyes.  

"sorry, hun. I'm not the gal that does things like that." she simply stated, " So if you can't behave yourself then maybe the dance is over." 

he grumbled something that sounded like "fine" and she continued until the song ended.  

she picked up her lingerie and double checked the cash stashed in her boot.  

"thanks, Darlin'" the man mumbled as he shuffled out of the room adjusting his pants.  

as she pulled her thong back on Kitty popped her head in, "ready for a break??" she asked, a mysterious glint in her eyes. 

Angel smiled, "yes, I so am ready! but first let me run upstairs and freshen up."  

"Kay. meet me in my car." she said, turning towards the back door.  


Angel avoided the dressing room like it was the plague. she sighed as she climbed the stairs, and entered into the world of cliques, betrayal and whispers. Most of the girls were on break and were lounging on the couches or near the lockers. it was like stepping back into highschool... the girls separated themselves into obvious groups. 

As she made her way to the lockers, the girls eyed her and lowered their voices. Deanna sat in the middle of the couch, girls huddled around her whispering and laughing.  

Angel quickly changed into normal clothes and grabbed her purse. she sprayed some perfume and fixed her hair, as she closed her locker Deanna strutted up to her, a perfectly fake smile painted on her face. 

"Hey Angel!" she said in an annoying high voice. 

"hey." she mumbled back, stepping past her, continuing to the stairs. to her surprise Deanna followed. 

"So I hear you're joining us for night shift, finally." she sneered, falling in step with her. 

"mhmm." Angel simply replied. this girl wasn't worth her time or energy. she quickened her pace she descended the stairs...Deanne right in step with her. 

"it'll be sooooo much fun! oh my god! you can meet my Bestie, Hazel!" She practically whined. every time she talked it was high pitched and sounded like she was a toddler having a tantrum. 

"great! fantastic! I can't wait." Angel unenthusiastically replied. she abruptly stopped at the back door and turned to face Deanna. "So I guess I'll be seeing you tonight. I'm going on break so I'll talk to you later, Deanna." 

Deanna smiled "alright. tonight should be interesting, see you later." 

Angel held her gaze for a moment. she didn't know what she meant by "interesting", but she would inevitably find out. 

she turned and pushed the door open, the sunlight instantly blinding her. the heat washed over her as she walked to Kitty's car...another very hot day in Miami

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