Purple Haze

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"I'm thinking about going to a party this weekend..." Kitty chattered on as she rolled the blunt. The two girls sat comfortably in her two door baby blue Honda. she had parked next to the club van so they weren't in view of any passerby.  

Angel always loved their smoke sessions. kitty was the one person she could talk to about anything.  

"oh? whose party?" Angel inquired. 

"my ex...he's getting out of jail its his welcome home party." she sighed.  

"don't you have a new bf now?"  

"yeah but Devon girl he gives me these feelings ive never felt before..." Kitty explained, a far away look glazed over her eyes. Angel reached for the blunt. 

"I'll light up to that" she said laughing as she sparked up and inhaled the purp haze. 

she instantly felt the light headed affects as she coughed. 

"how are you and your man?" kitty asked in between inhales.  

"we're doing alright" Angel replied thinking of her blonde hair blued eyed other half.  

kitty passed her the blunt. "mhmm so how are you guys really doing?"

Angel inhaled and her thoughts were instantly transported back to the other night...her and Will were on the beach, sitting side by side watching the clouds drift past the half moon. they sat there in silence, the waves crashing was the only sound that was made. Will reached over and gently held her hand. Despite the cool breeze and the tropical environment, Angel was feeling very uneasy and she had been for a while now.

"we don't talk much anymore, not like we used to." Angel explained to Kitty.

"well why not? you two live together!" Kitty asked, grabbing the blunt.

"I dont know we just seem to fight all the time and he's constantly worried about me and what I'm doing and what I did do..."

"you mean about work? He's worried what you're ass is doing at work??"

"yeah pretty much." Angel caughed and dug into her purse for a ciggarette.

"Girl, that is the biggest pice of shit i have ever heard come out of your mouth. You're telling me that you guys fight because he's worried what you do at work?" Kitty practically shouted, "I mean seriously! he knows what you do for work...and if he's so fucking worried about it why don't he go and get himself a job? then your cute little white ass won't have to shake no more. that would be the fucking day, huh? when our men finally give two shits enough to go and get a job so we don't have to do this." She shook her head sadly and grabbed the square from Angel and took a puff,


"Angel!" a voice called from down the hallway. She had just changed into a new outfit and was making her way back to the bar area. confused as to who called her she slowly walked to the back of the hallway to Manny's office.

"Manny, was it you that just called me?" She questioned, poking her head in his office. He smiled and got up from his desk when he saw her/

"Ahhh here she is," he announced as he walked towards her, motioning her inside. A younger man was already seated and smiled up at her. She sat in the empty chair next to him and kindly smiled back. Manny closed the door. "Angel, this is Kieto, he's our new night time DJ."

She studied the man sitting in front of her. he wore a nice simple TShirt with some band logo on it. He wore jeans, very casual, she noted. His shoes, however, were very expensive Jordans...probably cost more than his jeans and shirt put together.  He had dark, short spiked hair, and stunning blue eyes and a devilish smile. There was a reason she was being introduced to him, she knew that, or else Manny would have had Deanna in here.

"It's a pleasure, Mr. Kieto." Angel smiled as she shook his hand.

"Same to you," He quickly replied, "He did not lie about your beauty, you are just gorgeous." 

She shyly smiled at the compliment, and fixed her hair absently. 

"Manny does not lie. I told you she was a gem." Manny explained sitting back behind the desk. " So, I was hoping that since you, Angel, have been here awhile you could possibly show him around and help him get comfortable..." 

"of course, Manny, I would love to." Angel sweetly responded. 

"great! because i have to leave early tonight, usually I would show you around but I trust Angel will take very good care of you." He added with a wink in her direction.

"Alright well if you would like Ill show you the DJ booth." Angel stood and blew a kiss to Manny. Kieto followed after her. She took him down the long hallway to the staircase, 

"This goes up to the dressing rooms and the DJ booth, no one else but you and the girls are allowed up here." She explained and continued to the top of the stairs and the door to the DJ booth. She pushed it open and showed him inside. The DJ booth was fairly decent, even for Diamonds. He set his backpack down on the couch and went to the computer and mixtable.

He glanced back in her direction, "alright so youre going to teach me how to use all this right?" He asked with a smirk.

"Um I have no idea, I'm sorry." She laughed. 

"well come here I want to show you something..."

sighing she went to his side and he opened the computer and started pulling up various programs and explained to her what each one did. He wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her closer as he pointed things out to her on the screen. He talked excitidly but with a soft musky voice that held a hint of an accent. He smelled really good, that was the first thing she noticed about him. 

She found herself still with him fifteen minutes later, she just liked the way he talked to her. He would talk to her directly, always making eye contact with her ,,,and the more she looked into those light blue eyes the less she could look away. Kitty was the one who found her, she burst through the door and as she took in the scene in front of her she smiled and winked at Angel.

"And here I thought you was in trouble." She laughed

Angel immediately seperated herself from him and tried to hide the blush working its way up her cheeks.

"uh oh are you saying i have been spending my time with a trouble maker?" Kieto flirted.

"well that is what she is infamous for" Kitty replied grabbing Angel's wrist, " now come on we should get ready for our night shift'. Angel looked back over her shoulder and yelled bye as Kitty pulled her to the dressing room.

(sorry for all the spelling mistakes, please leave a comment and let me know what you think! if you fan me I will fan you back and make sure to keep up with your stories!! thanks for all your support next chapter coming soon!!) 

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