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Sanem had a big decision to make, stay living on the Island in which she knew Can was willing to be grounded there with her as husband and wife or return back to Istanbul.  She continued to go about her daily routine. Can knew she was doing alot of thinking and would leave her alone to do so, but would still stay at her home when she was there.
One afternoon after she was finished at the Sanctuary, she decided to go talk to Sultan at the Marketplace. As they talked, she let Sanem know if she decided to go back Istanbul it would be just fine and she would always have a place to come too. The two of them had become very close that Sanem considered Sultan as her Nana. After their talk, she had made up her mind. So she sent Can a text <Hey, where are you> ......<On the boat> ......<Great, I need to talk to you. At the Market what slip are you at> ...... <9> ..... <OK, be there in 5> Sanem hugs Sultan and walks to where the boats are docked. JJ helped her on board and showed it to her. She sat down at the table as Can gave her a cup of tea. Looking around "What a beautiful boat" JJ smiled and said "It is, Can Bey and I have really enjoyed it. He even taught me how to sail" ...... "That's awesome" Sanem sat there for a moment when Can asked "Love, you said you need to talk to us. What's going on?" She looked at both of them and smiled. "I made a decision about whether to stay here or return home........... it's GO BACK HOME!" JJ got so excited hearing it come out of her mouth, he stood up and went to her giving a huge hug. "Is this what you truly want Sanem? Like I told you I will go wherever you want." ...... "Yes Can I am sure. But, I need a big favor from you both." ......"What do you need" ...... "I need to finish a project at the Bird Sanctuary before I leave. Can you both help me get it done?" ......"What is it" ......"Well, I have to finish placing Photos of birds and descriptions of them throughout the Sanctuary. The photos are already taken, but need to be developed" ......" OK, I can develop them and JJ can help you with the other part. We will start it first thing tomorrow. I need to go to the Marketplace to look for I need. Do you know of a place I could develop them?" JJ spoke up "Let me check with G-pa , maybe he knows of a place" The three of them headed to the market to search for what Can needed, in which he was able to find everything. The three of them went to a liitle restaurant to eat their dinner and discussed a plan to return home. JJ's G-pa made arrangements for a place so Can could develop the photos Sanem had taken. Can and JJ decided to stay on the boat that evening to give Sanem some time alone so she could call her parents and let them know she was returning home. They were so happy to hear the news.
Meanwhile, back at the boat Can called Aziz  "Hello Baba" ...... "Hello my lion, how did things going with Sanem? ...... "Well Baba, I have fantastic news. We are getting married and she has decided to return home. But I need a huge favor!" ...... "OK, I know she won't move in with me until we are married. Especially since JJ and Muzzo moved in her house. In which I haven't told her yet" ...... "OK,  I'm listening. Let me put it on speaker so my Lovely can hear" Aziz says as he jesters Mihriban to come sit next to him.  "Is she there?" ...... " Yes Can, I am here!" ...... "I need you both, Emre, Leyla and along with her parents to come here next Thursday. I want us to get married on the beach with our family by our side. Can you make it possible? I will pay for Nihat bey and Ms Mevkibe's fare" ...... "Son, don't worry we will be there. I will have Deren in charge at the Agency while we are gone" ...... "Thank You Baba! JJ will return with you, so we can go on our Honeymoon for a few weeks. I want to surprise her and take her to the Galapagos. Please don't tell her anything of this" ...... "No worries son, I will have Emre bring Leyla, Nihat and Mevkibe here so we can put this great plan in action. Let us know if you need anything on the end"...... "Just get them here. JJ and his Grandparents can help me" ...... "OK, I will talk to you after everything is booked on the Fairy boat" ...... "Love you baba. See you soon" ...... "Love you too son" The call was ended. Aziz immediately called Nihat to meet up tomorrow at the Farm. He didn't tell them why for he wanted to surprise them also. Mihriban was so happy that she turned on some music, grabbed Aziz  and began to dance.

OVERCOME PART 2Where stories live. Discover now