Chapter 26 - An Aussie and a Brit

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Chapter 26

Lauren's POV

I wake up with my arms wrapped tightly around Demi on the couch. Her head is pressed against my chest and her hair is sprawled out over her shoulders. I look down at her and smile, pulling her sleeping body close to mine. I turn my head to the side and grab my phone off the table, glancing at the time.


I yawn quietly and throw my phone back down, snuggling into Demi's body. She moves a little beside me and makes a cute tired sound. Her brown eyes open and gaze into mine sleepily. I smile and bring my hand to her face, stroking the stray hairs out of her face.

"Hey girlfriend," I say with a soft grin.

Demi smiles back and cuddles closer to me.

"Hey baby," she murmurs.

My heart flips at her endearment and I grin like an idiot. I lean down and kiss her forehead before stroking her hair. I feel her smile against my neck and she kisses my jaw softly.

"Lauren what time is it?" Demi asks whilst fiddling with my fingers.

"Like 5:30. I should get going back to my place Dems," I say sitting up.

Demi pouts but sits up too. I frown and lean forward, kissing her pouted lips. Demi smiles into the kiss and cups my face with her hands. I pull back slowly and smile at my girlfriend, rubbing circles on her hips.

"Do you have to go? Can't you stay the night?" she whispers, running her thumb over my lips.

"I wish I could Dem but I need to go. I gotta wake up early tomorrow," I say sadly.

Demi smiles at me and pecks my lips.

"It's okay babe, we can just hang out later okay?"

I nod with a huge smile on my face.

"Definitely," I agree.  


I walk down the hallway to my hotel room with my keys in hand, my sunglasses propped up on my head.

I slot the keys into the door and turn quickly, unlocking the door and opening it. A crash from the kitchen makes me jump. I walk slowly towards the kitchen, my steps careful and steady. Who the fuck is in my room?

"Fuck fuck shit ow," a person mutters along with a loud clatter.

"Shh language! What the hell are you doing?" Another voice echos from the other room.

Okay, more than one person in my hotel room, that's not good.

I slowly open the door to the kitchen and see two woman with their backs to me standing there. I clear my throat and they spin around to face me. Oh my god, no fucking way.

"G'day" Gabby says with a little wave.

Dani turns around to her wife and slaps her arm.

"That's all you can say when you've been dropping all her plates?" she says. Gabby stands there with a smile on her face and leans forward, kissing Dani on the lips quickly.

Dani crosses her arms but still has a grin peaking from her lips.

"Um hi," I say confused. What were they doing here? I didn't think they'd be coming...

"What are you doing all the way over there you little shit, come over and give your big cousin a hug!" Dani exclaims with her arms wide.

I grin widely and run into her arms, wrapping mine around her neck.

"I missed you," I murmur into her neck. She strokes my hair gently and holds me tighter.

"I missed you too Lo," she chuckles.

We stand there hugging until I hear a loud, deliberate cough. I release myself from Dani's arms and turn to Gabby. She opens her arms.

"I'm here too, the one with the awesome accent," she says with a wink.

I roll my eyes but run into her arms. We hug for a bit and she kisses my forehead as I smile. I pull away from her embrace and step back with a huge smile.

"Where's Marleigh?" I ask looking around for the little monster.

"I'll go get her," Gabby says, walking out of the room and into the living room, leaving me with my cousin. 

I walk over to her and slap her on the arm. She yells and holds her arm, rubbing it gently.

"What was that for?" she whines.

"For freaking me out and making me think I was getting fucking robbed! You son of a bitch!" I whisper yell at her.

Dani just laughs at me. Wow. I scowl at her as Gabby walks back in with Marleigh in her arms. My face soften as I see her. She looks so much like Gabby.

Gabs walks over to me and puts her in my arms, her body carefully cradled in my arms. I hold her close to me and look down at her with a smile. Her eyes are a greeny brown and they look up at e widely. Her hands reach our and grab my thumb cutely and I can't help but release an 'aw'.

Dani and Gabs grin at me and nod in understanding.

"She's amazing isn't she?" Dani asks, nodding to her daughter.

I smile at them both and nod.

"You guys made a good baby," I say with a grin.

Dani rolls her eyes whilst Gabby just smirks and winks at me. I make a disgusted face and shake my head.

"I do not need to know about your bedroom routines thank you very much," I say before handing Marleigh over to Dani.

"Yeah, she really doesn't honey," Dani says, giving Gabby a look with raised eyebrows. Gabby just chuckles and walks over to her wife, pulling her into her body and kissing the side of her face. Dani smiles and pecks Gabby's lips.

I smile at my cousin and her family. They're so happy. I hope Demi and I will have a family like theirs. Wait, what am I saying? Did I just think about having a family with Demi? Oh god, this, this is something new. Am love with her?

I look back at Dani and Gabby kissing and a burning feeling erupts from my stomach. All I can think about is Demi. Demi. I want this with Demi.

I love her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2015 ⏰

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