Chapter 22 - Interview

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Chapter 22

Lauren POV

"Today in the studio we have the beautiful Lauren Evans," the interviewer, Ryan Seacrest, announced. I smile at his compliment.

"Well thank you for having me!" I reply gesturing towards him from across the table.

"Aww trust me, it's a great pleasure to have you in the studio," he continues. I smirk, trying to hide the fact that I may or may not be blushing right now.

"Oh my god, don't make me blush, Ryan!" He laughs and looks down at the laptop in front of him.

"So, anyway, let's get straight to it! I noticed you came into the studio with Demi Lovato earlier; how did that happen?"

My smile widens at the mention of Demi and I look around the room at the staff - all were watching me, wanting to hear my answer.

"Yeah, I told her I had an interview with you guys but I didn't actually know who you were so she kinda gave me this look like 'What the hell's wrong with you?' so she dragged me here, literally, to show me where the studio was," I laugh, remembering how she tried to hint the fact that she'd been here before by standing near a huge poster of herself. Not obvious at all...

The interviewer laughs along with me and starts saying how that's something Demi would do.

"What about X Factor? I know that all of us were surprised about you being a judge this year, how did that all happen?" Ryan asks, fixing his microphone so it was closer to his mouth.

"Well, Simon's assistant called me spontaneously one day and just told me that Simon wanted me to be a judge. To be honest with you mate, I didn't even know if people would even recognize me here," I chuckle.

Ryan nods at my answer and leans back in his chair comfortably.

"And, still on the subject of X Factor, what group would you like to mentor?"

I tap my chin with my index finger and think carefully, biting my lip gently. Who did I want to mentor? I mean, all the categories are strong.

"I think I would like to have either the Groups or the Girls. Mostly because I can kinda relate to them more, I guess, but I would be happy with any category 'cause they're all brilliant," I answer carefully, making sure I don't sound like a prick on live radio.

"Okay, one final question. Is there anything you've kept a secret from your fans and can reveal right now?" he asks with a cheeky smile and leaning closer to me which was a bit difficult seeing as the table we were sat at was massive and it felt like we were miles apart.

I shake my head at his question but smile and give in. I think it's time to reveal some important shit.

"Yes, actually, there is. Some of you may know that I'm starting an album and I actually performed some of the songs from it today at a concert, but no one knows that I'm starting my own record label," I exclaim excitedly.

This was one of the secrets I had been keeping from a lot of people. I decided to start my own record label so I can help others reach their dreams in the music business. I thought that maybe I could use X Factor to find the perfect person/people to begin with.

Seacrest looked shocked. I bet he wasn't expecting that.

"So you're using X Factor as like.... The Reaping from The Hunger Games?" he says seriously.

I laugh loudly at his idea. Where the fuck did that come from? Shit, that was weird.

"Sure, you could describe it like that I guess," I reply in between giggles.

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