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Louis POV :D

It pissed me off when Blake would pull out her phone when she was with me,I knew she was texting Zayn. He didn't like her He told us,unless he was lying.It was silent the whole car ride,She kept glancing at me,I kept my face with no expression so she couldn't read me.

"Blake where here."I said pulling up to her Flat.I looked over and her head was on the window.

I got out and went to her side, she was asleep.Great,I opened the door and un-buckled her.I picked her up bridal style and carried her up to ther flat.

"Hey Louis!"Dani said from the couch.

"Hey !"I said walking to Blake's room but was stopped.

"Did she fall asleep?"Harry said coming out from the bathroom.

"yeah I'll put her to bed."I said walking down the hall,

I put her on the bed and took off her coat and shoes.She instanly curled up in a ball I kissed her on the forehead and started to walk away but she grabbed my wrist.

"P-please stay..."She mumbled.I froze was she asleep or not.

I heasitated and decided to stay I slipped off my shoes and went under the covers and she turned over and curled into my chest,I wrapped my arm around her and she buried her head in the crook of my neck.I kissed the top of her head when sleep came over me...

Dani POV :D

I was home with Kay all day,Kat went to visit her mom in Bradford for the week.Around 3 the boys came over,Me and Liam still haven't told anyone yet.

"Hey Dani?"Liam said as me and him were in the kitchen.

"Yes?"I said pouring myself some orange juice.

"Do you wanna go public?"He said rubbing the back of his neck

"That's all up to you Babe."I said with a smile/

"Ok next interview I will tell them,But we need to tell the boys."He said pulling me between his legs.

"Ok when Blake and Louis get here."I said giving him a quick peck on the lips and going back into the living room.

"Hey Dani!"Niall said he was sitting with Kay who was blushing.

"Hey Ni."I said smiling at them they looked so cute.Kay was sitting between his legs with his arms wrapped around her waist.

"Kaylee how is your foot?"I said putting Netflix on.

"Alittle bit better."She said trying not to sound weak,She hated to show weakness.

"OH!Put on Doctor Who!"Niall shouted.

I nodded and put on Doctor Who when Liam came out of the Kitchen with Harry.Liam sat beside me and Harry on the floor infront of me.

"What are we-DOCTOR WHO!"Harry yelled and did a little dance in his seat.

"Calm down Haz."Niall said giving Kay alitte Squeeze.

"Guys when Louis and Blake come home we need to talk."Liam said with all seriousness in his voice.

They all nodded but with a confused look on their faces.I was thinking and remebered something,

"Dude where is Zayn?"I said kinda shocked.

"OH MY GOD!"Harry yelled,While Liam muttered a 'Fuck'.

"I guess we forgot."Niall said laughing his ass off.

"Forgot what?"Kay said confused looking up at Niall.

"We dropped him off to get Pizza and we where suppose to pick him up in 10 minutes!"Harry sai threw out his laughing fit.

"Oh god we have to pick him-."I started but got interupted when Zayn came in.His clothes where totaled.

"YOU ARE A BUNCH OFF ASSHOLES!"He yelled glaring at the boys that where laughing.

"Aww!Zaynie come here i'll let you borrow some clothes!"I said getting up,I grabbed his hand and dragged him to my and Blakes room.

I sat him on the bed and went to my dresser and got out my biggest sweats and a very big white shirt.

"Here change into these."I said giving them to him.He nodded, and got up to walk in the bathroom.

I walked to the living room and the boys turned around and looked at me,

"You guys are jerks."I said ,I was super pissed.

They thought it was funny,I didn't what if he got kidnapped!Zayn came in there and glared at them.

"Come on Zayn I'll make you some tea."I said walking into the kitchen, He followed me and sat at the table.

"Are you ok?"I said putting the kettle on, and grabbing a mug.

"No!I got chased by fans!And dropped the food, and fell in a ally!"He said with such anger in his voice.

"I forgot where the house was!"He said resting his chin on his palm.

"It's fine I'm mad too at them."I said even Liam thought it was funny.

I got out a tea bag and dropped it in the mug and poured the hot water.

"Here Zaynie."I said trying to make him smile.

"Come on let's watch a movie."Zayn said standing up,I follwed and we walked in the living room.

We sat on the love seat together and ignored the looks we were getting,I was angry at all of them.

"I'M HUNGRY!"Niall whined and they all looked at me,I looked back and glared at them.

"Dani?"Kay said with a soft smile.

"They have hands and feet."Was all I said and pulled out my phone and checked my Facebook.

Niall pouted at me,and I ignored it.I glanced at Liam and he looked upset,Good he should be. I wonder where Blake and Louis are?Zayn pulled out his phone and was texting someone.

"What's up?"I said.

"Blake needs help with Louis he's acting all Flirty."He whispered in my ear.I laughing she couldn't be flirty unless she was drunk.

"Fuck it!I'm buying Pizza!"Niall said standing up and walking out of the house.

Kay POV :D

Dani was pissed! She sat by Zayn instead of Liam which he was upset about.I mean I was mad at them too,I would have walking away from Niall but my ankle fucking hurts.Niall stormed out to buy Pizza,He was acting all mad it was cute!

"Kay?Are you ok."Harry asked with a worried look in his eyes.

"Yeah just peachy."I mumbled I was mad too.

Just then the front door opened to show Louis carrying Blake bridal syle!They were soo cute,

"Hey Louis!"Dani shouted smiling at Louis.

"Hey!"He said smiling.

"She fell asleep?"Harry said coming out of the bathroom.

"Yeah,I'll put her to bed."He said and carried her to her bedroom.


The love lifes of 4 best mates (A 1D and BVB fanfic!)Where stories live. Discover now