Home sweet home.

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The next morning Adrien stayed home from school, so did Marinette, Alya, Nino and Chloe. They wanted to spend as much time together as they can. But today, Wednesday, was the day Adrien spoke with Amelie and Felix.

He made his way out of his room and into the dining room where Amelie and Felix were sat when his father use to eat. Adrien's face flashed a glimpse of sadness as he took a seat on the other end of the table
"Adrien, sit down here- we don't bite" Felix laughed
"oh-oh okay then" Adrien stuttered. He wasn't use to the company or the conversation if he was being honest. He took a seat opposite Felix beside Amelie and waited for them to begin speaking.
"Adrien, like i said last night me and Felix had a few things to talk about" She began. He didn't want all the small talk, he wanted to know when he had to leave. Say goodbye to everything he knows, and everyone he loves.

"how long are are here for" he snapped.
"when're we going to London?"

"well. that's what we wanted to talk to you about Adrien" Amelie glanced to Felix with a worried look on her face. How was he going to take the news? Adrien sat wide eyes waiting for them to continue.
"Adrien, you lost so much so quickly i can hardly imagine how hard this is for you. Me and Felix talked, a lot last night, we were still chatting when you got home. We were looking at all of our options, and what we can do to help you. Then Felix suggested something that seemed-
like the right thing to do" Amelie paused and Felix began to speak.

"I can hardly imagine what all of this is like for you so..."

"so how would you feel about staying in Paris?" Amelie cut in.

Frozen. Adrien was again frozen. He had left like this too many times before. Shocked and unable to move- except this time it wasn't out of fear, but pure joy and utter bliss. Did he imagine this?

"obviously we need to work out a job for me, and enrol Felix at your school. We would buy this house- if you want to stay here, and sell our one in London"

"For real?" Adrien asked. A smile creeping out from his mouth, excitement coursing through his body.

"for real" Felix smiled back at him

"Thank you! thank you! THANK YOU!" Adrien yelled, jumping up from his seat and diving at Amelie, almost knocking her off of her chair. He wrapped his arms around her in an embrase and she returned the gesture. They pulled away and Felix gave him a warm smile. Adrien sat back down, thrilled, but Amelie still had the same look of dread on her face.

"what- huh- what's wrong Aunt Amelie?" Adrien asked, growing confused. Did she not want to move? Was he a burden?

"it-its, your mum" Amelie begun. And suddenly all the excitement burnt out. In everything he forgot her. He forgot his own mother. What kind of son forgets their recently discovered mom?

"i've decided to withdrawal life support. You can say goodbye on Friday, when we-" Amelie stopped there. She couldn't finish her sentence.

"y-yeah okay" is all Adrien could say. He had processed his mother's death once already. He knew the feeling and how to control it this time. It would be easier. Easier than the last couple days, but still incredibly hard.

"we are here for you, and Mum has began looking for, for someone you can talk to"

"a therapist?"

"more like a councillor, to help you process everything- and then when you're ready. You can chose as and when you talk to them"

"T-thank you" The thought of talking to someone scared him. But he knew he needed it.

"and you can return to school whenever you're ready and until then you will be homeschooled with Felix. But your friends, they need to go back tomorrow Adrien, their education shouldn't be effected by this."

"y-yeah" Then he remembered.


With everyone finding out who Hawkmoth is tonight, and Adrien defending her at school- the rumours about Marinette will get worse, and rumours about him will begin. Who knows when the ball will be, school this week was going to be hell.

"i want to return to school" Adrien blurted out. He couldn't let Marinette walk the halls alone, he couldn't risk Marinette having to walk into class and face Lila without him. Yes she had her friends, but he was her connection to Hawkmoth, if he didn't show- rumours would spread about him, and his connection to his father.

"Adrien i don-" Amelie began

"please. it's what i want" Adrien interrupted.

"the news come out tonight Adrien" Felix added

"i know, that's why i want to go in"

Amelie was unsure, but the last thing she wanted to do was to become his enemy.
"okay " she gave in.

That day they organised everything, from buying the house to enrolling Felix in school. They would return to London in two days to gather their belongings and pack up their house and then another week after that they would return home. During that week Adrien was to stay with the Dupain-Chang's and prepare the house for their return.


Thursday. Shit.

~hello! i hope you're happy that the story is back on track the way you wanted it to go... but for how long? This is a shorter chapter as i've been busy over the weekend but i hope you enjoyed it, let me know what you think~

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