🖤forty three🖤

630 43 20

harry is so ecstatic. he is happy that he could finally hold the title as zayn's boyfriend. he's been basking in all the time they've spent together, not having realized how close they'd actually become to being a real couple. now that it's official, harry couldn't contain his joy. it's only been a day, but there seems to be a permanent smile glued to his face wherever he goes.

and even though his cheeks started to ache, he couldn't keep the grin off his face. even as he sat in his lecture listening to his professor go on and on about the subject of the day. harry absentmindedly took down the notes, half paying attention while the other half of his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of zayn. the brunette subconsciously smiled down at his notebook as his fingers seemed to have a mind of their own, moving the pen across the paper.

it's been a good while since harry has had a genuine significant other, it was perhaps the excitement from finally getting back out there and letting himself take another chance at being in a committed relationship. sex is great, but being in a relationship was far more than something physical and harry admits to missing all the things that comes with being devoted to just one person.

especially, someone like zayn, sexy and charming. the man has this aura about him that made harry feel extremely drawn to him. that feeling you get when you can't place your finger on why exactly you're attracted to someone so much, while craving more and more of them than you're able to realize. that's what harry had been experiencing in his time knowing zayn.

whatever the case may be, harry's simply happy that they are officially together now. that gave him a good feeling and he's excited to see where this newfound relationship takes him, and the adventures he and zayn will have with one another. it's definitely something he is looking forward to. for now, he has to try and focus on his lectures and stop daydreaming. he'll see zayn later today when the man is off from work, he might as well pay attention and not get too distracted, because getting behind in his lessons was the last thing he wanted—or needed—to do.

as agonizing as it was, harry succeeded in getting through the lecture without losing his mind completely. he has no more than one class left before he'd be free. once harry leaves the room, he takes out his phone and scans over the screen, smiling with he sees a text from zayn saying he'd see him later on and to pay attention in his class with his signature winky smiley face at the end. the brunette laughs softly to himself before sending back a reply to tell him that his lecture just ended and he was headed to his next and last one in a few.

zayn 💛: good, i can't wait to see you later baby. ;)

harry smiles, texting back a simple heart before putting his phone away and proceeding to his next lecture. yet another session that he has to force himself to get through. but by keeping himself busy, it goes by in the nick of time. before he knows it, he had finished his classes for the day. although, now he has to go home and start on some assignments. harry gathers up his stuff and heads out.

the brunette runs into a few friends on his way out, telling him he was headed home and would talk to them later. when harry gets back to his apartment, his cat togepi greets him, circling around his feet and rubbing her body against his legs like she always does when he comes home. harry chuckles softly, squatting down and petting her fluffy soft fur, cooing.

harry stands back up and starts heading up to his room where he drops his bag on the bed. the brunette yawns softly, deciding to take a shower before he gets started on any assignments. first he finds something more comfortable to wear, then he takes off to the bathroom where he undresses and starts his shower. a little over twenty minutes later, harry's dried and dressed, tying his hair into a messy bun.

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