🖤forty four🖤

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attending university the next day was tough. harry stayed up a little later than he normally dared to on school days. when zayn had come over last night, his journalism assignment had been forgotten about entirely and all his attention redirected on zayn. it wasn't such a big deal since it's not due until the end of the day, though he did get behind a little. nonetheless it's okay, he managed to work on it for an extra hour and half before he called it a night. he didn't regret spending the entire day with the man, because by the end of the night he was very happy and went to bed with a big smile on his face.

as well as a surprisingly nice dreamless sleep for the first time in weeks since they had started occurring.

after school today he had work at the pet shop. albeit, it didn't really matter to him much. he worked a small three hour shift (sometimes four) a couple times a week. when he got off, he still had an abundance of time to spare before the night was over to hang with friends, go out and do something should he choose to. on most friday nights through the entire weekend he spent either going out somewhere fun with his close friends, or a party, and on some days he'd spend alone to recharge after social interactions. though harry figures this time it would be different and he'd probably end up spending it with zayn, or at least including the man in their activities.

the brunette is excited to tell his friends about him to them and be able to officially introduce him to them.p to one another. knowing his friends, they'd be all over him with questions—and probably threats too—wanting to determine whether or not he would be a good fit for him. but that's just how they are, they always want what's best for harry and nothing less because 'it's what he deserves' they would always say. of course harry also wanted what was best; a relationship that was genuine and long term.

he'd had a few hook ups since his last relationship ended on a bad note, but he never felt like anything was entirely fulfilling or worth pursuing. harry knows that this time everything was going to change. new relationships always felt exciting to him in the beginning, but this time it felt much more different than the rest, exhilarating. or perhaps it could just be zayn's remarkably gorgeous features that has harry avid. whatever the case may be, he is optimistic about the things to come.

harry makes it through his first two lectures without a hitch. when it's over, he navigates his way through the school holding his phone in his hands as he texts his friends to see if they're going to meet up to have lunch. of course niall and liam were going be there for reason they'd all for a break during the same period. selena mentioned that she'd try to catch them in time before they left if she could make it there in time after her lecture ended.

mitch would have also been joining them like he always did... albeit he wasn't here anymore, and wouldn't ever be again. as that thought crossed his mind, harry slows down until he comes to a complete stop, feeling sadness grip at him once again over the passing of his friend. he had told himself he wouldn't dwell on it, because it's not what mitch would've wanted, but he can't help but miss him. they'd been close friends for so long, and maybe even had crushes on one another that hadn't been properly addressed but before they'd been able to try anything, just like that he was gone.

harry breaths out, shaking his head to rid his mind of the negative emotions. the brunette is having such a good week so far, no need to ruin it by thinking about this now. if he needed to, he'd just cry about it tonight when he was alone. for now, he wanted to keep his positive attitude and be happy. harry exhales, looking down at his phone once more before locking it and continuing to move forward. a small smile returning to his face as he makes his way towards the courtyard, but not before grabbing himself a snack from the cafeteria.

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