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mitchie ❤️
hey h

styles ❤️
hi mitch

mitchie ❤️
you doing okay? 😉

styles ❤️

styles ❤️
did something happen between us?

mitchie ❤️
what makes you think that?

styles ❤️
well, we were dancing together...and you got a bit handsy

styles ❤️
i have a huge ass hickey on my neck and can't remember how it got there. 👀

mitchie ❤️
god harry you were that wasted?😂

styles ❤️
i guess i was 😭

mitchie ❤️
that wasn't me babe.

mitchie ❤️
i went to the bathroom, and when i came back you were dancing with someone else, so i left you to it 😉

styles ❤️
wait what? who was it?

mitchie ❤️
i don't know, it was kinda dark i couldn't see their face very well.

styles ❤️
you telling me i got sloppy with a stranger? 😭😭

mitchie ❤️
harry, it's okay. it's not like you had sex with them, right?

styles ❤️
no. thank god 😵

styles ❤️
i would've been able to tell if i had sex or not.

mitchie ❤️
good lol.

mitchie ❤️
you were stressed this whole time thinking it was me you hooked up with? 😂

styles ❤️
omg shut up 🤦‍♂️

mitchie ❤️
maybe we can make that a reality next time 😘

styles ❤️
dear god 😳

mitchie ❤️
lmao, you're too cute.

styles ❤️
i still don't know how i got home. 😬

mitchie ❤️
that's a mystery to me, h.

styles ❤️
oh god i need to get my shit together 😵

mitchie ❤️
that, you do styles.

mitchie ❤️
i'll talk to you later h, okay?

styles ❤️
okay mitchie, bye ❤️

mitchie ❤️
❤️ love you.


triple update cause i got nothing else to do during these quarantine 😭😭

predictions? x

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