yuugo hcs bc hes perfect

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1- he describes his food in colors (riley's hc lol)

2- since he's a father figure to everyone most of the kids call him dad and every time someone asks the kids "who's your dad?" they all point to yuugo like all of them including ray norman emma etc

3- yuugo cant handle spicy food so ray sneaks hot sauce into his food

4- yuugo LOVES animals and bugs

5- emma called yuugo "bunker dad" once and he lives by that now

6- when yuugo met norman (everyone shut up and pretend he's living happily ever after w the kids and lucas and he met norman) he thought "wow this kid is really polite is he really friends with the cyclops and antenna?" but then he found out norman literally commit genocide and almost started a war and he went "o h"

7- gilda taught him how to make flower crowns and he makes them all the time now

8- yuugo taught the kids how to make paper crowns and they all play castle (yuugo is always the knight)

9- yuugo and ray get in fights with cardboard swords and blanket capes and paper hats and lucas and norman j stare at them

10- he always hypes up the kids when they get in fights and lucas always screams "YUUGO DONT ENCOURAGE THEM"

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