I'm sorry Pump

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Pump is about to go into surgery, i was not excited. Pump wasn't either... i kept comforting him to try to convince him that he is alright, he was not convinced. He looked more pale and sick then usual when it was time for him to go to surgery, he looked like he was about to cry. I was so scared.. i didn't want Pump to go! What if he never came out?! When Pump left to go to the hospital i have to admit.. i cried my eyes out. I didn't wanna lose Pump. Pump was my best friend in the whole entire world.. He got me into spooky month! He was very very kind.


"Hey Skid, goodmorning!"
"Goodmorning Pump, did you sleep well?"
"Yes! All 8 hours! Wanna go celebrate spooky month??"
"Of course! Where should we go??"
"Hm.. we should go to the movies to watch the ooga booga for the 56th time!"
"Yayy yayy! Let's go!"

Okay back to reality

"Pump..." I just muttered under my breath. My mom put her arm around me and looked at me strait in the eyes. She was trying to comfort me as much as she could, it didn't work. I miss Pump already.. i don't even know if he's alright yet. I.. hope he will be okay.
*A doctor opened the door
"I-is Pump okay?!" I whisper shouted
"I'm really sorry for your loss" The doctor said bluntly
"W-WHAT?!" I screamed
I felt like my world just crumbled around me, no.. it did. My world DID just crumble around me. Pump was my world, and now he was gone. There's no getting him back. He was gone forever..
I clinged to my mom, sobbing. Pump was gone. Gone forever... right?

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