1.- Edd's sister

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💚Edd's POV:💚
I was helping (y/n) to get her stuff out the car. I was very excited since she was going to move with me but I was a bit nervous by how my friends would act with her... She is my little sister after all and I have always been protective with her. After some time, I finally finished getting down her stuff so I presented her to them
-Guys! This is (y/n), My little sister! Please be nice to her or...-
-It's okay Edd. I am not a teen or a baby.-
-But you still need a lot of protection and... I will always see you like my baby sister...-
-our age gap isn't of many years tho.-

🥰(Y/n)'s POV:🥰
Edd presented me his friends if you ask why I never met them even if I am his sister I used to be extremely shy and I would hide from them. So I never met them that well. Matt seemed a nice guy even tho he would be a bit egocentric, Tord also was but something about him would make me get uncomfortable.
-And this is Tom!- Edd exclaimed presenting me to his last friend
-Hi.- he coldly replied and I got intimidated. Matt and Tord would be warm introducing themselves but Tom had a serious face and I could feel how the holes where his eyes were supposed to be stared at me.
-H-hello- I quietly replied.
-Don't be shy (y/n)! Tom can seem a bit intimidating but he is a sweet guy.-
-I guess I am...- Tom replied and drank from his alcohol flask.-
-Oh yeah... I will get two colas for me and (y/n)...- Edd said while walking to the kitchen and realizing that was none.
-Well... I guess I will have to go to the supermarket...-
-Can I come with you? I think I need more mirrors for my room.-
-Fine Matt, you can come. But please don't take a lot of time choosing... Want to come too (y/n)?-
-Nah, I am lazy.- I replied

💚Edd's POV:💚
-So... You are going to stay here? With T-tord?-
-Okay...- I answered while I grabbed my phone and I messaged Tom.

Edd: Tom
Edd: Please watch (y/n) while I am in the supermarket

Tom's phone buzzed and he checked the mesagges. He rolled his inexistent eyes and started to type.

Tom: What? Why?
Tom: Isn't your sister too old for a babysitter?

Edd: Tom please.
Edd: I don't trust Tord, you know how weird he is with girls

I stared at Tom and he did back. He sighed and texted again

Tom: Fine.

Edd: Thank you so much Tom, I will bring you your favorite beer from there :)

Tom: ok.

-Anyways... We will be back later! Bye!- I said while closing the door while hoping Tom really cared (y/n)-

💙Tom's POV:💙
When Edd and Matt finally left, Tord got near (y/n)
-So... (Y/n)... Has somebody told you how hot you are?- he smirked while I could see how (y/n) was uncomfortable
-Leave her alone commie.-
-I am just talking to her... That's all-
-(y/n) want to meet Edd's cat?- I asked her ignoring the dumbass.
-WAIT EDD HAS A CAT?!- She said while her (e/c) (eye color) eyes were shining of excitemen, she looked kinda cute.
-Yeah... Didn't he tell you?-I put my arm in her shoulder and walked with her to Edd's room. I turned my face to the back to see how Tord was angry. I just pulled my tongue out and showed him my middle finger with my free hand.
We finally went to Edd's room
and opened the door. The room was a mess, there were cola cans everywhere but in a pile of them in the bed Ringo was laying and opening her eyes
-AWWW!- (y/n) fastly ran inside Edd's room and started petting the cat that just purred at her. Suddenly (y/n) made a weird face.
-Eww, this room smells like Edd- she started to laugh and picked up the cat -How is he named?-
-Ringo, and she is a female-
(y/n) decided to leave from Edd's room while carrying Ringo and I followed her
-Oh yeah... Don't tell your brother we got inside his room.-
-I won't heh-
-I have to go the bathroom, hold on for a while- I walked to the bathroom and wished that the commie didn't try doing something with (y/n)

🧠(Y/N)'s POV:🧠
I was petting Ringo while waiting Tom to get out the bathroom until Tord walked to me
-So (y/n)... What do you think about Tom? Do you like him?-
-WH-WHAT?!- I replied confused -I JUST MET HIM...-
-Oh okay... Anyways I wouldn't like Tom either if I was you... He is a bad mooded alcoholic, he is always drinking and is really grumpy- Tord giggled
-Anyways (y/n)... If you could kiss somebody in this house who would it be?-
Tord got really near my face.
-Uhh... Wh-what?...-
I was so uncomfortable until Tom finally left the bathroom-
-WHAT ARE YOU DOING IDIOT?!- he screamed angrily
-See? I told you he is always grumpy... Clasic stupid Tom...- Tord started to laugh and Tom beated his face
-Tord... Leave her FUCKING alone. It's your friend's sister. Why can't you never control your grown man hormones?- Tord roughly pinned Tom against the floor while preparing his hand to punch Tom
-What did you SAY?!-
Tom and Tord started attacking in the floor
-GUYS STOP!- I screamed
Tord finally grabbed Tom's arms with one hand and started to punch his face while the blue hoodied guy was trying to free his arms. I holded Tord's hand.
Tord pinned me and was getting ready to punch my face until...
Edd finally arrived at the house
-E-Edd... Hello!-
-Edd!- Matt shouted offended
-Not now Matt... SO?-
-Uh...- I was bad at lying so I just started to tear. Edd knew I was trying to lie so he stared at Tord with a rage look.
-Matt... Go with (y/n) to your room...-
Tord looked nervous while me and Matt obeyed Edd. The room had a lot of mirrors and pictures of himself.
-So (y/n)... What do you think of my room?-
-it's really nice... Do you know what are they going to do with Tord-
-Oh... They will just uhh... talk to him-
Matt said while I could hear some noises and growls but I didnt mind
-Can I brush your hair?- he suddenly asked
-Hm? I guess you can...-
-Yay!- Matt started to stylize my hair while he would start to talk with me about the things we would like. He couldn't stop talking about himself but I wasn't bothered by it and I giggled by his jokes. After some minutes he finally finished.

(This is the hairstyle)I looked at one of his mirrors and saw myself with the cute hairstyle Matt gave me

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(This is the hairstyle)
I looked at one of his mirrors and saw myself with the cute hairstyle Matt gave me...
-Aww thank you (y/n)...- He replied while smiling and then hugged me. After some minutes, Matt received a phone message and told me that we could get down. I did to find Edd curing Tom while he was drinking alcohol.
-Where's Tord?- I asked a bit worried even tho he tried to hurt me
-In his room.- Tom answered
-Oh and... I forgot to tell you this but... You will share the room with Tom!- Edd suddenly said
-O-oh...- Even if Tom defended me of Tord I was still a bit intimidated by him so I was a bit scared.
-It's okay (y/n), Tom can protect you if Tord tries doing something again and plus, you will meet him better and see he isn't actually that intimidating- Edd told me in a low voice. I just nooded with my head  and me and Tom went to his room so he could show me it.
-Well this is our room...- The room was blue with some white and black squares in the wall and a teddy bear on a drawer
-Aww is it yours?- I pointed at the plush
-What? N-no... It's uhh... Fine it's mine. Just don't laugh about it-
-Why would I laugh about it? I just think it's cute... Can I hold it-
-Uhh yeah, no.-
-Since when have you had it?-
-S-since I was a toddler.-
-Shut up-
-Why are you so cold Tom?-

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