6.- Returning the favor

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💚 Edd's POV: 💚

-Tom, can I talk with you?- I asked Tom while knocking his door.
-Uhh sure...-
Tom left the room and was about to close it but saw that Tord was in it while he was smiling
-Leave.- he said
-Aw... Why?-
-Me and Edd don't trust you to be near (y/n)-
-Don't worry! I won't do anything! Right (y/n)?- Tord hugged (y/n)'s shoulder smirking and she quitted his arm from it.
-Uhh... Y-yeah... Leave Tordie.-
Tord just seriously walked away while grabbing his hoodie, shirt and a drawing. He passed near Tom and whispered something in his ear that made him do an annoyed noise. Tom finally closed the door.
-Anyways, what did you want to tell me?-
-Tom... I know I asked you to protect (y/n) from Tord but... Somebody told me about what happened in the mall... And plus (y/n) has been really weird since the morning... She only acts that way when she has a crush and she doesn't have them frequently...-
-Wait you know about mall thing?-
-Well that was the mall thing right?- I asked sarcastically
-Oh... Edd I didn't kiss (y/n), she DID IT and...-
-LET ME FINISH goddamn... It was not that kind of kiss you think it was... She only kissed my cheek and she just did it because we were pretending to be dating to get a discount.
-Oh... Okay, but Tom.. Please be careful with (y/n) I think she is crushing in... Somebody... And I really don't want love dramas for the good of all of us here. So tell me... Do you have feelings for her?-
-Nah, she is not my kind... Was that all you wanted to talk about?-
-A-actually no... Can we go to my room?
We walked to our room while I was dizzy from the nerves by just thinking about what I was going to tell to Tom. We arrived and we sat to my bed and I started to cry.
-Woah... Uh... Look I really won't date (y/n) if that is what it is making you do this...-

-It's not that Tom... I am just so anxious for other thing... But I don't know how you will react... You are the only one I can tell about this and... If I disgust you after that... Just forgive me.
-Edd why would I be disgusted by you? You are my best friend and the most decent guy in this house. But even if you do a mistake I will be always supporting you.-
-Tom... I think... I'm not straight-
I started to cry more and Tom just hugged me.
-I am so sorry Tom...-
-Why are you excusing yourself? Edd I will be here for you no matter what you are. I really don't mind.-
I stopped hugging Tom realizing some of my tears and boogers were in his hoodie.
-Wow... You are just like your sister... You guys really like to use my hoodies as tissues.-
I got embarrassed and put my head down

-Edd I was joking. I have a lot of these hoodies... Don't worry about that right now. So... Why do you think that you are gay-?- Tom asked while getting his hoodie off
-I'm not gay... I have crushed on girls before but I am not straight either... Because... Well I think I crushed in a guy...-
-Who is him? IT'S NOT TORD RIGHT?-
-EW WHY WOULD I CRUSH IN TORD? NO IT'S NOT HIM... Uhh... I-it's...M-Matt...-
-You mean the ginger that is obsessed with himself?-
-Yep, him. I am still not sure tho... But... Uh... Matt was upset some minutes ago and well... You know he has been acting strange lately... The point is that I tried to make him happier and he stared at me weirdly but he also looked adorable and... I felt how my face suddenly got warm. Yeah, maybe Matt has an obsession with himself but... That doesn't make him act like an asshole. He is always sweet, gentle and sometimes... I really want to protect him Tom. I wish I could tell him all my feelings for him and not being just limited to some words just because I am scared to ruin our friendship... Even when I was drawing him I noticed I drew hearts with him...- I got out my Matt drawing and showed it to Tom
-I am being cheesy right?
-Well... Yeah. A lot.-
-I don't know if he even likes boys tho...-
-Edd... He would date himself if he could. I REALLY DON'T THINK HE IS STRAIGHT... And... Haven't you think that maybe he has been acting that way because he likes you?-

🖤 (Y/N)'s POV 🖤
After hearing Tom and Edd talk I felt really sad. Especially when Tom admitted he didn't have feelings for me. I decided to go to Matt's room to feel better with him.
-Matt can I get in?-
Matt opened the door and smiled
-Hi (Y/N)!
-Are you okay?-
-I don't know...- Matt let me in and closed his door while I was crying.
-Why are you so sad? You were so happy in the morning!-
-I feel bad for a stupid reason... And I am scared that it's what I think it is...-
-Just letting you know that I won't judge you even if you think it's dumb...-
-Okay... So... I heard Tom saying he didn't like me and I know I shouldn't mind because I can' t date him but... I really can't stop thinking about it... Do you think I have a crush on him?-
-(y/n)... Even Edd knew something was off with you... But you kept my secret so I am also keeping this for you.-
-Thank you but... I don't know what to do... He will never love me.-
I left Matt's room and I went to Tom's room
-Hey (y/n)- Tom told me
-You are really close to Matt right? Well I w... Are you okay (y/n)-tilla?-
-That's not even how the nickname works! Why are you even trying?-
Tom changed his expression to a serious one
-What did I even do to you?
-Nothing... Sorry Tom... I am not in the mood right now.-
-Oh... Well... Everyone was planning to go to the mall together... Want to come?-
-Nah... I want to be alone.-
After everyone left I tried to draw something to feel better but it didn't work I was about to do something... Interesting... But I reminded I promised Edd I wouldn't do it again. I was bored and depressed so I opened the fridge and found Tom's beers
-Well... Maybe if I take one he won't notice it...-

*Some hours later*

💙 Tom's POV 💙
It was already dark and Tord left 2 hours ago because "he had to do something" we were leaving the arcade until I reminded about (y/n)... She wasn't looking good and she was bad mooded so I started to worry.
-Uhh I have to go...-
-What's wrong?- Edd asked
I didn't want to worry Edd so I whispered to him that maybe Matt and him would need some time alone in the mall
-Tom... I-I don't know...-
Edd replied quietly while blushing.
-You will be okay.- I whispered again
-Before I go... Why don't you pretend to be a gay and get cheaper ice creams? I said while pointing to the ice cream place.
-Oh... F-fine... I love ice creams!- Matt replied blushing
-Yeah... Same... Uhh... Yep let's go th-there- The "lovey doveys" grabbed their hands and awkwardly walked. I ran to the house and opened the door
-(Y/n)?! It's me, Tom... Edd and Matt are still in the mall... Is everything alright?
-Oh no...-
I ran to the kitchen where the sound was coming from and I found (y/n) in the floor with vomit in her side and Ringo trying to smell the puke.
-T-Tom?... *hic*-
-What happened to you?... Wait a second...-
I saw a can of my beers in the floor. I checked the fridge to see if (y/n) drank more but apparently she just grabbed one... I guess she never drank alcohol before and she was sensitive to it.
-You are drunk right?-
She started to cry
-Sorry for drinking your beer! FORGIV*HIC* ME! I am so stupid...-
-It was just one tho... Calm down I am not mad... It's kinda funny how you got like this with just one tho...- I chuckled and (y/n) stared at me with her eyes full of tears... Fuck... Even when she is drunk she is really cute...
-Anyways miss, I can't let you stay in the floor with your puke... Stand up.-
-I am so dizzyyy!-
-Fine... Then...-
I picked (y/n) up and she got surprised-
-woah you are so *hic* strong...-
-You aren't that heavy... Do you think Edd will get mad if he sees you drunk?-
-Okay then... Time to sleep...-
I walked with (y/n) to the room and let her on my bed... She was still so confused and I stared at her while smiling
-Aww... No more picking up...-
-Nope... You have to sleep or your brother will kill us.-
-Uhh... You mean Edd or me?-
-Because you are so negative! All... The... Time-
-Sorry I...-
-And that's so hot...-
-WHAT?!- I blushed madly
-Mhm... You are so hot and cute while being negative... You think you act rough when you are a soft baby... I like that... I also like your spiky hair and your eyeless eyes...-
-You also smell like I don't know... Like... That ugly deodotant that men use thinking they will smell good and I also like it. I like the way you stink. I love how you think you smell so fucking amazing but I would rather smell feet than that.-
-Wow... Thanks.-
-I like you Tom... I like everything of you. I *hic* don't care if you do something cringey or that I dislike. I just love it when you do them... I love you. But you don't...-
-w-wh-what?- I started blushing really madly
-I'm not your type... You said that...-
-I was talking with Edd... What did you expect to tell him?
-So you love me?
-I... Uh...-
-I don't care what Edd says...-
(Y/n) got on me and felt asleep in my chest
-I love you Tom...-
"Edd is going to kill me" I thought while falling asleep and hugging (y/n)
-Goodnight (y/n)...-

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