8.- Crushes

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🖤 (Y/N)'s POV: 🖤
I woke up in my mattress very happy by what just happened last night and I went to see how Tom slept. He looked so adorable snoring while his mouth was open and drooling I giggled and started kissing all his face
-Good morning Tommy~-
-Oh... Hi (y/n).-
Tom grabbed his pillow and rolled his body upside down while I heard him snore again
-Sigh... What?-
-You have to wake up to eat breakfast...-
-I don't know... I am still tired...-
-Why? Couldn't you sleep well?-
-Well... I couldn't stop thinking about you...- Tom smiled while blushed
-Aww Tom! You are so adorable when you show your feelings...-
Tom cleared his throat while blushing and added:
-I also thought... What are going to do with Edd tho? He will kill us if he finds out-
-I know Tom... But I really don't want to break up with you by him. Let's just hide it from him meanwhile...- I kissed Tom's cheek and got out our rooms to find Edd and Matt reading a note. Edd looked so confused raising his eyebrow while Matt was sobbing sadly
-What's wrong?- I asked confused
-Well... Matt found a note from Tord... It says that he is going to be away for some days or even months..- Matt started to cry louder and ran away while Edd looked at him worried
-Wait... Really?!- Tom smiled excited

Yep...- Edd said sadly looking at Matt's room direction
Tom started to sing a random song while twerking. No matter how much I loved Tom I wasn't going to see him do that.
I saw my sibling cringing as well so I whispered something to him:
-Hey Edd... Can I check if Matt is okay while you presence... Tom's beautiful performance-
-It's okay (Y/N)... I have lived with these guys for years... Believe me... I am used to them but you... Save yourself... And... Tell me if Matt is okay.-
I giggled and went inside Matt's room.
-Hey Matt, are you okay?-
Matt just nodded with his head... He was tearing until heard Tom scream a song part and he smiled through his tears trying to hold the laughter.

-Are you sad by Tord's note?-
-Yeah... I know Tord can be... Uhh... Special... But still I feel kinda sad... I know it is better that he stays away from you for a while and calm down tho.-
-Aw, do you still have feelings for him?-
-No... I love Edd...-
Matt fastly covered his mouth after that
-I-I MEAN... OTHER EDD! There are more people named or nicknamed Edd (y/n)..-
-Oh well... How is he like?-
-Uhh... He likes cola... BUT PEPSI COLA! SEE? HE IS SO DIFFERENT FROM YOUR BROTHER! And uhh... He... He also has a dog named Apple! It's a cute do...-
-It's my sibling, isn't it?-
-Sigh... Fine... It's him-
I felt a bit bad by Matt knowing Edd wouldn't date him since he was also my best friend now but I wasn't going to make him sadder.
-It's okay Matt... I am not like my brother with his stupid rules... You can like him.-
-Thanks (y/n)... Talking about boys...-
Matt got close to me and whispered.
-Do you have any crush?-

-Matt... I ALREADY told you about it DONT YOU REMEMBER?- I whispered loudly while embarrassed

-OHHH TOOOMM! ANYTHING NEW WITH THE TOM THEME? To be honest... It's surprising that you didn't crush in me me but I am gay anyways so...-

-SHHHH MATT! EDD IS GOING TO HEAR YOU! A-AND WELL... We are... We are dating now-
-I BET YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTTEEE! You both like music... You both are always together... CAN I BE THE UNCLE OF YOUR FUTURE KIDS?!-
-WH-WHAT?- I blushed hard
-Oh okay hehe...-
-Want to go down? Edd was worried by you...- I winked and he blushed
-R-really?! Hold on I HAVE TO MAKE SURE I LOOK GOOD!... Wait a minute... I always look good!- He smiled in one of his mirrors.
-Yeah whatever... Let's go down...-

Me and Matt got down to see the most traumatizing thing my eyes have ever watched... Not only Tom was twerking while singing BUT EDD ALSO DECIDED TO JOIN HIM.
-Hey Tom... I bet you can't shake it better than me...- Edd said
-Let's see that...- Tom smiled and both started to move like dogs while humming party songs

-Yep Matt... These are the boys we love...- I looked at Matt expecting him looking traumatized like I was but I found his eyes shining while he was blushing so much
-Y-yeah... They are also... Good dancers... (Y/N) I AM NERVOUS... I mean... Look at your brother... I know I am handsome but do you think somebody with those moves would be impressed by me?-
I looked back at Edd just to see him trying to twerk with his legs in the wall but falling in the try while Tom laughed saying that he just won
-Aw... That's not fair! Edd had better moves! He just fell down... No offense (y/n)...-
-AHEM!- I cleared my throat loudly to call Edd and Tom's attention.
-Oh hi (y/n)... You are back with... M-Matt... YOU DIDNT SEE US DOING... THAT... RIGHT?- Edd said blushing
-Well... We did! I didn't know you were a good dancer Edd...- Matt replied blushing
-Wow... Thanks...- Edd replied blushing shyly
-Well... Since Tord is now gone... Maybe it would be a good idea to clean his room and let him a nice surprise when he ever comes back...- I said while thinking
-Babe... I MEAN... (Y/N)... Do you think that is a good idea? He was a creepy weirdo with you...- Tom answered
-Well yeah he was... Unique... But he still was kind with me sometimes so I will... Does somebody want to help m...-
-Hey guys... Can I join your dancing competence?...- Matt asked to Tom and Edd
-Uhh... Well...-
-YEAH YOU CAN!- Edd interrupted Tom excited
-Ugh... You know what? I will do it alone...-
I ran to Tord's room and started to clean his room that was a mess... A lot of used cigarettes... Interesting stuff(?)... And garbage. I opened his closet to find more weird things and a picture of me "Ugh... Tord..." I thought while cleaning and quitting the picture until I noticed a button
-Huh? what is this?- I thought out loud and pressed it revealing a room with weapons and a lot of buttons. A big red button would make itself notice so I pressed it and it took me to a giant robot
-WHAT THE FUCK?- I tried to pay attention to the sounds outside to hear if the guys noticed something but I could only hear them brokenly singing so I deduced they were still doing their stupid twerk competence
-Okay now what do I do with this shit?... Maybe I should take a walk with it...-
I started walking while seeing people screaming... It was kinda funny.

🚬 Tord's POV 🚬


was calmly in my army checking if everything was alright until Paul came running at me
-Sir? I think your robot was stolen...-
-Follow me to see it yourself...-
I quickly changed to my normal clothes and ran behind Paul to see my giant robot in the streets doing a chaos... I was really sure the guys would be so dumb to discover my secret place but... Who did it then? I tried to see the window of the robot and saw (y/n) I was really angry but proud of her at the same time so I ran to her
-TORD! Uhh... Well I thought it would be nice cleaning your room for when you came back and I got inside... This... And I don't know how to get out of it now... Why do you have this robot tho and who is that man?-
-H-HE IS JUST A FRIEND... I am staying in his house actually... And the robot... It's a long story... Anyways... Just press the that button that is near you-
-Oh... This one?-
The robot exploted while I saw how my efforts were gone and I started to tear while being mad
-M-my... MY ROBOT!-
-Sir? I think the girl is unconscious...- Paul replied
-Go to a hospital with her... I can't let my future wife die... Even if the stupid whore ruined my robot...-
Paul carried (y/n) and ran to the hospital while I started tearing and touching the robot pieces

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