Chapter 3

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A bell rang as Kane stepped into a small tavern, he had decided to use the extra day he had earned for some of his own purposes over finding more work. The tavern wasn't fancy or in any way notable but that was a part of the conditions Kane was looking for. He wasn't a secret alcoholic looking for a safe place to get drunk, though. Rather, he was looking for the sort of people who might sympathize with a man who was. For anyone living in the city among so many angels, public intoxication was a good way to never make it home. Anything 'disorderly' was often removed quickly at the behest of the god-kings, their angels, such loyal servants diligently enforcing their will.

Kane detested this about the angels and god-kings the most.

They were so desperate for control they failed to recognize one of the basic rules of life; the more you attempt to control everything around you, the more inevitable you will lose control of everything. The amount of power and effort they exerted delayed this, but it was inevitable, it always was. And so, Kane chose to frequent taverns, a basic and false way to escape from the hell the god-kings had created in hopes he would find those who would seek to make that escape just a little more real. People who were willing to do something about it, even if at first it was only symbolic. Kane was looking for a black market.

Kane twitched his lips into a casual smile and nodded to the barkeep as he approached. The tall, thin man nodded back. "Anything I can help you with, sir? Don't believe I've seen you in before."

"That's because you haven't," Kane said simply. "A bottle of wine, if you would."

"Ah, of course, that'd be two silvers." A twitch of the eye, fidgeting hands. The man was clearly nervous, which wasn't uncommon, and Kane wasn't helping.

"Of course," Kane mimicked in response, stretching the smile that didn't reach his eyes just a little further as he placed down the two coins. Already, this man wasn't showing the signs Kane was looking for, and as the man kneeled down to fetch a bottle of wine Kane had to restrain a scoff.

The barkeep's stress level hiked considerably, the scent of his sweat beginning to fill the room. Kane could also hear him rummaging around, the distinct sound of glass clinking together as he moved bottles. Was he fetching a lower priced wine, or a higher one? It wouldn't make much sense to have good stock up front but why would he go out of his way to get a nicer one from the back? Maybe he was just unorganized? It was a lazy conjecture that didn't sit right with him.

Eventually the man popped back up. "Shall I open this up for you?" At least that was said with some practiced grace.

Kane nodded in return, and once the barkeep had removed the cork Kane gingerly swiped the bottle from him before he could pour into a glass and took a long pull straight from the bottle. The barkeep looked on in abject horror as Kane consumed a quarter of the bottle in a single go, not noticing just how much Kane was paying attention to the man in return.

This is not the place, Kane decided. Too small of a location for a group like a black market to filter through, too public, and the barkeep, his scent alone would give it away if an angel ever walked in. Something was also off about the wine, though Kane couldn't quite place it.

Setting the bottle down, Kane ran his tongue over his teeth, whipping away traces of the red liquid. "Water?" He inquired.

The barkeep continued to blatantly stare at Kane for a moment more before shaking himself free. "Yes, a moment." He said, quickly fetching some from a barrel and handing it over. Kane took a mouthful, swishing it around between his teeth and swallowing, then took another gulp before setting the water and wine down on the counter. Kane was about ready to dismiss himself, but he furrowed his brow. The barkeep had gone pale, frozen stiff in place with bated breath.

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