Chapter 13

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Amelia, ridged with fear, turned and forced herself to walk into the Valkyrie's new chambers. The intense cold prickled her skin and set her shivering; nearly every surface was frozen over and coated in frost. Was this how the Valkyrie preferred their room, as cold as the northern tundra? She couldn't help but to glance at her, the Valkyrie's gaze was fierce and intense, picking apart every detail she had kept hidden from other angels so successfully for so long. No one had cared such much about her, no one besides the Archangels had paid her much attention until now. Was this just how higher tier angels were? Her azul eyes scanned her for a moment, then moved to the bed and took the blanket from it.

By the mercy of the god-kings, what did she intend to do? Her body shook with more than the cold. The Valkyrie approached, blanket in hand. Then wrapped it around her.

"Sit," she commanded, gesturing to the bed. Confused, Amelia complied. What was going to happen? What did the Valkyrie intend to do? The tall, powerful angel before her was leaning up against the water basin, her head was cocked to the side with an ear raised, eyes closed. Was she listening for something? She must have decided everything was as she wanted when she opened her eyes to lock back onto her. Oh, how Amelia hated the way angels always looked intense.

"Do you think Archangel Rahatiel Akriel is just?" The Valkyrie asked without warning. "Do you think him a good person?"

Did she just call Archangel Rahatiel Akriel a person? Amelia swallowed hard. "No. He is known for being harsh."

The Valkyrie's eyes flared, "I don't care what he is known for. Right now, I only care what you think. Stop trying to avoid my questions." Her eyes then softened, sympathy somehow managing to express itself on the naturally harsh face of the angel. "Make this easy, I'm the best person you could wish for to be questioned by."

Now she just called herself a person, high ranking angels never did that, and she was a Valkyrie. Maybe not as experienced with the rank of an Archangel yet but certainly as powerful as one. Who was she? Amelia took in a shuddering breath, still trying to reign in her crying. "I think he's cruel, and no amount of divinity in his, or anyone's blood excuses that."

A brow on the Valkyrie arched. "What about the divinity of a god-king? Does it excuse their cruel actions?"

Amelia cringed; this Valkyrie was hellishly rude in a brutal, thorough manner. It had always been considered impolite for an angel to ask specific and direct questions to another angel as it was essentially an accusation but now the Valkyrie took it one step further and put words in her mouth. Though it did make it easier to lie, she could always say that she, herself never called the god-kings cruel but- the way the Valkyrie had said it. Did she think the god-kings cruel? And her sympathy, what was that?

"I-" Amelia began, but then stopped herself. Perhaps this Valkyrie was the best person to be questioned by. Amelia wasn't very adept at sensing lies but something in her gut told her to trust the woman before her. "No, I don't think their divinity excuses their cruel behavior."

"Do you worship the god-kings?"

Such a dangerous question. Amelia slowly shook her head. "I don't," she said, unable to prevent another tear from rolling down her cheek as a flood of pure anxiety snaked through her, the tear leaving a trail of frost behind it. Two simple words that would get her executed on the spot anywhere in the world and she had just confessed them to one of the most esteemed classes of angels, one known to reach the rank of Seraphim, the highest position an angel could achieve under a god-king.


A simple question, but did the Valkyrie know how deadly the answer was? Amelia bit her lip and pulled the blanket around her closer, trying to ward off the cold. "I know what they are," she eventually said.

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