Chapter 5

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Kane blinked once at her. "Oh," he said at a loss for words. Was it really time for that? "How much progress has your group made?" Depending on the circumstances, this could be good.

Evelyn scoffed, leaning back on her stool. "You don't just ask how much progress a rebel group has made. We're talking about overthrowing god-kings, that doesn't happen overnight, but since you asked, we just retrieved something pretty important." She didn't look too sure of herself.

"Oh," Kane said again but decidedly more dejected. "You've barely done anything then. Even with being an angel? Did you ever have any ranking with that, by the way? Or are you still just a fledgling?"

"Would you keep quiet with all that angel shit?" She hissed at him, leaning in close and keeping her voice down. "With whatever the hell you are, you have to know the importance of keeping things quiet."

Kane shrugged. "The only people who will be capable of sneaking up on us will be those of the same caliber, and if that's the case, I think it would be best to give them a reason to hesitate."

Evelyn froze then stood back up straight. "You thought that through?" She asked him, cocking her head to the side.

"I really was trained, you know," he said, nodding. "I suppose that you weren't, then. How did an angel like you end up stray?"

Evelyn's face went blank, and her eyes turned cold. "You keep your secrets and I'll keep mine. In the meantime, first, drop the angel shit. As far as the others are concerned, I'm just a human and as long as it remains that way you can act like whatever the hell you want. Secondly," she said, taking in a big breath, then slowly releasing it. "What do you think? Our little underground movement could certainly use someone like you. Able to blitz an archangel, resists poisons, clever, and quick on your feet. You'd be one hell of an ally."

Kane crossed his arms. "I'd be in as easy as that?" He asked, brow raised.

"Not exactly, there would be a bit more to it," she admitted. "But my word does go a long way and as you can guess I have a knack for knowing when someone is lying; it makes me the go-to interrogator."

Kane inclined his head. A young and small-scale group, but adept. "I'm sure. Quick question though; do we know each other?"

Evelyn blinked. "What? What do you mean?"

"I mean," he said as he leaned in, a dangerous glint in his eyes, "have we met before? Conversed, talked, fought, anything?"

She shook her head in both confusion and in confirmation to herself. "No, of course not. What the hell type of question is that? This is the first time we've met? We hardly know two things about each other."

"But don't we?" Kane asked, a single brow raised. Evelyn's only response was a look of confusion, her brow knit together, eyes squinting. Her mouth hung slightly open, too, tasting the air as she pulled air through her nose, trying to taste and scent what he meant but to no avail. Kane shook his head, "doesn't matter. Suppose we should figure out how to go about this though."

Suspicion lingered in her gaze for a moment more before it faded into the back. "I suppose, indeed. Depends on your answer, though. Are you willing to join, or aren't you?"

Kane slightly nodded to himself in thought. He took in a breath to answer as he reached up and rubbed his jaw but suddenly froze. He blinked once and the stubble he felt, more than he should have. "How long was I out?" He asked, his tone rigid.

"Uhh, I'm not sure," she said, taken off guard by his sudden change of subject yet again. "It's in the early morning so maybe twelve hours? Thirteen?"

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