chapter 2

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nightmare pov

I woke up to an energetic dream rocking me back and forth with the happiest smile I have ever seen. "brother wake up wake up we need to get to the spot before the sunrises!" he said so fast I could barely hear him. it took me a minute to remember me and dream watched the sunrise in our special spot every morning it was something we always did together even if dream had sleepovers with the villagers he would always make time to do this with me I never understood why but I do now. dream new we were growing apart and this was one of his ways to keep us close even if he can't say no to his "friends" half the time this was one of the instances he would not budge in even if his "friends" begged him to stay. 

"come on brother we are going to be late!" he said happily running to our special spot on the tree to watch the sun rise.

"I'm coming wait a sec." I said struggling to get up the tree it has been way too long since I've done this with dream I missed this so much I am so happy. I smiled at dream at the top of the tree and then looked at the sunset. this was the happiest I have ever been since the incident. 

as me and dream were sitting on the tree and smiling happily the villagers came and they looked like they had a sinister plan in place. I remembered that every time they took dream to play ones that did not come with him stayed with me to hurt me and they made sure I never told dream by instilling fear into me. they were probably going to beat me up when dream left but unlike other times with them in the past I have a plan. this time I would let them hurt me it would be nothing compared to the hurt I have been in from losing everyone I care about. I would take a video of all the things they do to me and show it to dream as proof of what happened and then he will know I am not lying no matter what the villagers say about me to him. I looked into my storage space and thankfully I had all the supply's I had in there before the multiverse reset it worked in my favor. I set the camera in the leafs of the tree in a spot no one would notice all of the villagers attention was on dream and dreams attention was on them so I had the perfect opportunity. 

dream left with his "friends" and the villagers that were left started their daily beating and insults but I could care less all I could think about was my soon to be victory. I started paying attention to there rants half way through. "you are nothing but pure evil you are the cause of all suffering you know that right! RIGHT!!! you protect all our fears and hatred you do not deserve happiness and you most certainly to not deserve dream he deserves better than a nobody like you!" said a particularly eccentric villager. I decided that now was the time to start my acting career. "b-but everyone needs negativity t-to be able to f-feel true happiness r-right?" I asked pretending to be hurt. "what are you talking about without negativity people would be so much more happier you're nothing but a nuisance get it!" another villager butted in. "b-b-but mother said-" I tried to get a few words in but was cut off rather rudely. "b-b-but nothing your mother is a tree nothing more she nows nothing actually how do we know your mother being the tree was not just a figment of your imagination we've never seen the tree talk before have we boys!" he said in a way that seemed to bring confidence to the villagers who were more reluctant to do anything. "y-yeah your probably just crazy!!!" "yeah or he just wants to trick us so he can pretend to be just like us having a mother and all and anyways what mother would want you as their child!" the villagers started to fluid me with insults and some of them actually hurt more than anything but I let them say it for the sake of the plan I don't want to ruin it by killing the villagers again we all know how that ended up. they eventually were done with there insults and beatings and I laid there waiting for Dream who would inevitably come and see me covered in bruises and broken bones. This time I would tell him everything and this time we would work out how to stop this senseless beatings and we can finally be happy together I just have to hold on for a little longer. 

time skip to a few hours later....

"o-oh my god night what happened oh god we need to take you to a doctor and don't tell me this was from a fall this was defiantly not from a fall oh I'm rambling come on I'll carry you but as soon as you are healed you are going to tell me what happened to you o-ok?" dream said a worried mess the old me would be mad at myself for making him worry but dream is not a child I am going to tell him everything and then we will see what happens I hope everything will turn out fine oh this is not the time to second guess myself come on dream is waiting for a response. 

I turn to dream and nod he then proceeds to carry me to the local clinic in the village hopefully they will help me this time since dream is with me. 

nightmare in his corrupted form as a child

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nightmare in his corrupted form as a child. this is not my picture all of the pictures I use for all my books do not belong to me just so you know. 

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