chapter 10

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once error came too he squinted at me like he couldn't really see. I understood it as him having bad eyesight like before but the others didn't. he pulled out red round glasses that made him look younger than he already did and put them on. 

"who are you people?" error asked.

(a/n: just pretend when error speaks he is glitching I don't have the energy to change the font and make it look like he's glitching every time he speaks.)

"I am nightmare and this is dream my brother the one in black and white with the red scar is cross we came to help." I responded.

"help? but the voices said I didn't deserve help they said no one would help me." error said confused as to why what he previously thought as fact was in fact not. dream and cross were clearly very concerned and surprised. 

"well they were wrong they are leaches they like to see beings suffer they haunt every waking moment of your peace trying to break you and make you feel less than even when they have the ability to help others they withhold the information that could be vital in helping just to see there host suffer. they are things to be ignored and mocked." I responded. dream and cross looked concerned like I had gained this information from hearing voices myself which in fact not true. it was another thing error told me himself something that took a long time for him to learn but something he wished he learned sooner. 

"voices didn't like what you said about them." error said worried like they could do something to me. 

"ignore them they aren't worth your time." I explained. error just nodded his head and smiled.

"brother-" dream began but was interrupted by me.

"if it's not a bother I would like to know your name." I asked. I didn't like cutting off my brother but I didn't want to have to answer unnecessary questions. 

"I don't have one...the voices said that I didn't deserve a name when I asked what mine was." error responded. 

"then I suppose I will have to give you one because you are most defiantly deserving of a name." I said with a smile. 

"really! what name are you going to give me?" he asked.

"well I can give suggestions and you can tell me whether you like it or not. how about error?" I asked. 

"...its amazing! I love it! thank you!" error squealed and out of nowhere gave me a bear hug. seems I am far back enough that error hasn't gotten his fear of touch yet. good I don't wish for him to be afraid anymore.  

"did you just name him that because of the error signs all over him?" cross deadpanned. 

"...maybe." I said guiltily. 

"its ok! I love the name anyways!" error squealed. 

"oh really? and what may I ask do you like about it?" I asked quite curious. 

"I like it because you gave it to me!" he said hugging me tighter. I just stared blankly at him for a moment. it seems error was extremely cute as a child. 

"adorable." I muttered on accident causing error to blush and back away with his head covered in his hood. I could hear dreams snickering in the background causing me to have the sudden urge to backhand him. 

"well error do you want to help us find more people in horrible positions like you and save them?" I asked. he smiled and grabbed my hand while simultaneously nodding his head.

"alright then let's go." cross sighed while waiting for me to make a portal. 

"yes I suppose we should leave this horrible place now that we have what we came here for right error?" I asked while making a portal to the doodle something for some reason I can't remember what ink calls it. ah what ever I at least know where it is. I am far too lazy to even try finding the name of the god forsaken place in calls home. all I need to know is where it is and how to get there so I can pick up soulless ink and help him out a little. its the least I can do to apologize for what happened before. 

"yeah! let's gooooo!"  error screamed while dragging me through the portal. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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