Part 17

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Clarence held a letter in his hands from Hector Perciville. This was the seventh time he'd scanned the words. Every time he looked at it he hoped he'd feel different. And in a way he did, because every time he opened it he felt more angry.

It has been noted that your agenda seems to align with our own. Let us throw aside petty differences and form an allegiance that will be mutually beneficial.

He ground his teeth.

Knowing that the letter's existence had already been leaked by somebody and the court was waiting for an explanation was sickening.

He'd hoped to announce new military exercises today, but instead he was justifying his own policy, again, to an increasingly hostile audience.

He hated his court.

Hated the way they argued and postured, criticising him whilst simultaneously trying to flatter him. Threats thinly wrapped up in false politeness. Hated how his aunt played them, defending him by putting words into his mouth. Making promises in his name that he had never agreed to. Most recently she'd promised that no new Human wage increases would happen until the next tax year. Clarence had told her he wanted it implemented straight away. In fact, it didn't seem like any of his policies had been wholly taken up, apart from on the thirty seven worlds who backed him. Thirty seven worlds who had been practically shunned by the rest of the court.

When Clarence walked into his council chamber he didn't expect a warm greeting, but the complete silence and stony faces were uniform. He could hear the rustle of his clothing as he walked to his throne, and he couldn't help but keep his hand on his sword.

"As of next Wednesday, those kingdoms who have not fully implemented my Lore will be fined. We will embrace Humanity and we will offer safe harbour to Humans fleeing the New World Order. We will increase our numbers, and we will continue to fight the New World Order. The Leprechaun Empire is an inclusive Empire. We will never take the easy, cowardly route of culling that which causes us discomfort; inviting a war that will never end. I will not have that blood on my hands. I will not be responcible for genocide."

He saw some in his court nod with him, but the majority hung their heads and avoided looking at him, or simply continued to glare. Murder in their eyes.

He held up the letter. "Do not make the mistake of thinking that I am intending to join with these people. Their New World Order is nothing more than modern slavery of the magical and the non magical community alike. Though I am pro Human, I am not pro Perciville. I will not make an alliance."

Elisa stood, smiled down at the court, "My nephew is of course aware of the individual agreements and intends to honour the special discrepancies where they have been formally negotiated with the crown."

No he didn't.

"I will personally guarantee that these will be honoured."

Clarence clenched his jaw. Unwilling to have an all out shouting match with his Aunt in front of an audience.

"Be aware, those special discrepancies are under review. Only those with my personal signature will be honoured." He hadn't put his on any. He saw the court's eyes shift from him to Elisa.

"My signature as Steward is on behalf of the High King." She turned to Clarence and narrowed her eyes. Clarence held her gauze for a long time. He stood up, the court fell to one knee.

"You have until Wednesday and then we will fine those of you who have not compiled. You have your orders," Elisa said, before he could.

Clarence bit back what he wanted to say to her and swept from the room. 

King of Kings- Book 4 The Council of the Light Series.Where stories live. Discover now