Episode : 11

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The morning after is less romantic than Seung-jo’s declaration last night might have suggested. Ha-ni turns out to be a disruptive bed-partner, manhandling Seung-jo while unconscious and stealing the blankets. He sighs with frustration while she remains blissfully asleep.

Ha-ni awakens slowly, remembering happily that she and Seung-jo slept in the same bed. Eyes still closed, she reaches out to feel for him, but he’s already up and a little disgruntled as he tells her about her horrible sleep habits.

Breakfast is a cutely domestic scene, which Seung-jo prepares and Ha-ni revels in. Seung-jo makes nothing of eating together, or getting dressed for the day, or walking out together like the junior version of the happily married couple walking ahead of them, but in my opinion therein lies the sweetness — that comfortable attitude treating this all like it’s mundane. Like you’ve already arrived here naturally in your relationship.

In contrast, Ha-ni doesn’t even try to hide how much she loves it, and jumps to play the part of a wife, picking out a red checked shirt for him to wear. He dismisses the choice and picks another, but I’m betting that red shirt makes a reappearance at some point. (It had better!)

At school, a crowd has gathered in front of a sign. Ha-ni’s jaw drops at the embarrassing declaration, courtesy of Joon-gu:

“Baek Seung-jo at last ♥ Oh Ha-ni. They spent a night of love together! Oh! Ha-ni will definitely be wearing the same clothes as yesterday!”

OMG. Mortifying to the nth degree, no?

The students cast knowing looks at the couple in question, and one of them — Mom in disguise as a nerd, lol — prods Seung-jo to explain what happened. Exasperated, he pulls his mother aside and asks her to cut it out.

School is abuzz with the latest rumors, but Ha-ni has nothing to report to Mom or her friends. Nothing happened.

Even He-ra is uneasy about the gossip, and she makes a roundabout reference to the news, trying to get Seung-jo’s reaction. I dearly wish he’d let her stew in her insecurity, but he cheers her up by saying that she ought to know nothing happened with Ha-ni.

In all the excitement of the night before, Ha-ni has forgotten what she did with her chocolates, which she was never able to give to Seung-jo. She laments the loss, but wouldn’t you know, the box is safely back at Seung-jo’s place.

He opens the box and reads her cute handwritten note:

To: Seung-jo
These are chocolates I made myself, thinking of you. I hope you’ll enjoy them~~ ♥

He smiles at the note and takes a bite of a chocolate… and spits it out. In true Ha-ni fashion, they taste awful. But our little Robot Boy is learning that it’s the thought that counts, and he gives a little laugh.

With exams approaching, Ha-ni tries to study, but realizes that it’s spreading herself too thin to try to prepare for all her subjects. Instead, she’ll focus on English, which is the only class she shares with Seung-jo. (Ergo, she can’t drop out of it.)

She spends late nights studying, and when she shows up on test day, Seung-jo notices her wan expression with some worry. He-ra’s feeling mighty self-confident after being assured that nothing happened between them, so she once again falls back on her hateful habit of masking insults as cheery comments, saying that Ha-ni should probably repeat this level next year.

Ha-ni stares at Seung-jo dreamily through the first half of the test session, marveling and how handsome he looks. To her surprise, he reaches back and swaps papers with her — giving her his finished sheet and taking her empty one.

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