Welcoming Committee

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There were two Eveelutions, walking around in the centre of Perfection. An Espeon and a Leafeon. The two had started walking towards the Leafeon's house from the Espeon's house.

"So you guys live in the southern area?" Eva said as they walked next to each other.

"Yeah. It was the best we could afford." Blight nodded as he looked around at the buildings.

"You guys have a large variety of stores here."
"Yeah I guess so huh."
"What, you never leave your house?" Blight snickered as Eva nudged him rolling her eyes.

"Oh shush Blight, we didn't live in the wild like you and your brothers." He just chuckled and shrugged slightly.

They walked in silence after she said that, and though Blight was the quietest between his brothers, this silence was unnerving to the Espeon. She began to think she may have caused him to act like this as she looked down frowning a bit. The Leafeon noticed and nudged her slightly catching her attention.

"Hey, don't look so sad. It doesn't suit your face." He said as he put a paw on her cheek stopping the two, and making the Espeon blush slightly.

"I'm sorry if I made you mad, or sad, or whatever your feeling to make you quiet." She looked down still not wanting to meet his gaze.

Blight chuckled quietly as he put both his paws on her cheeks and made her look at him. He had a small smile on his face, and Eva couldn't help but smile as well, as she just stared into his green emerald eyes.

"You didn't do anything wrong Eva don't worry. I'm ok I promise." He had no control over his body as he kissed her forehead, making Eva blush a dark red on her cheeks.

"Come on, were almost to my house." He let her cheeks go as he started to walk, doing his best to hide his own blush from her.

"D-did he just.." She felt her heart skip a beat as she started following him.

They continued walking as Eva couldn't help but think about the kiss she received from Blight. She didn't know why she wanted to do this, but she couldn't help herself and she kissed his cheek as they walked. Blight looked at her with wide eyes and a very noticeable blush as Eva was already looking away, and he couldn't help but smile softly. The two kept on walking, passing by lots of Eeveelutions and Eevee's as they neared the Leafeon's home.

"There it is, home sweet home." Blight pointed at their home with one of his vines.

"It looks really nice!" She said with a chippy voice as they walked on the path to the house.

Blight opened the door with his vine as the two walked in, and Eva looked around the room. They had a couch with a t.v. stand, but no t.v. on it, she then looked at the kitchen and saw three plates in the sink. Though the house looked nice, there wasn't much inside of it besides the usual stuff.

"All our own stuff is in our rooms upstairs, and the rest is in here." Blight said as he walked to a couple of boxes next to the couch.

Eva sat on the couch as Blight opened one box with his vines and started to pull out framed pictures, putting them on the couch next to Eva.

"Mind hanging them on the wall for me? There's nails up already in the wall." He said as Eva stared at one picture that caught her attention, an Umbreon and Jolteon, with three recognizable Eevee kits.

"These your parents?" She said as she lifted it up with her telekinesis and put it on the wall.

The Leafeon looked at the picture and stood there in silence.

"Blight?" She tilted her head as he didn't respond and just stared at the picture.

"Yeah..our parents..." He said quietly after sighing and went back to the box of stuff.

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